The warning on beer will surely point out skeptics to climate change


Climate science

Roger Dace's letter (October 17) suggesting that the sea level in Batemans Bay has not risen for 25 years illustrates the careless and ignorant rejection of climate science that infects our politicians at the highest level.

Contrast this with the announcement (Oct. 18) that Australia's most prestigious scientific award (ironically called the Prime Minister's Award for Science) was awarded to Professor Kurt Lambeck of the ANU for his work, for many years, on the evolution of the Earth subtle ways but very important. His work leads him to study sea level variability: "Professor Lambeck explains that the rise in sea level has occurred since the industrial revolution – when man began to burn coal on a large scale. By measuring these changes over several million years, Today, Professor Lambeck and his colleagues hope to be able to predict future changes, which has huge implications for communities facing climate change. Rising sea level. "

Richard Johnston, Kingston

Continue with life

Over the years, Australia has lost many prime ministers and senior ministers – 56 of them – because of disputes and policy disagreements. So losing Malcolm Turnbull to the position of Prime Minister was certainly neither new nor unusual.

We have always had very little time to overcome our loss, so we should proceed in the same way now. Engaging in national life is more important than regretting the past, if only because we can not do anything to change anything to provide any benefit.

As my grandmother told me more than 80 years ago: "Come to life, keep going, and hopefully it will not be without reward." I've been doing it ever since, and I'm still here, married to a wonderful woman in a house we own.

Geoff Cass, Tewantin, Qld

Faith in publisher

I hope and I pray that Ian Warden, a declared atheist, realizes that although he was not already there, he could well become a "First Whinger of the over 70s" and Despite his prophetic call for the Letters page to be removed from us, I trust in the letter editor that his voice in the desert will simply be rejected as a dummy dummy of the Third World ("Why God spewed the manikin ", Sunday CT, October 14 p19).

Allan Gibson, Cherrybrook NSW

The prayers of the Prime Minister

I have some remarks about the offering made by Ian Warden on October 14 on the prayers of our Prime Minister and other things. The first is Christ's statement that God "sends rain on the righteous and the unjust" (Matt 5:45). This could be to Ian's advantage. The second is that the page of letters be removed from the "Premier Whingers of the world of Old Canberra over 70 years".

I would suggest that the newspaper no longer publishes articles written by the team of almost 70 years like him.

This would make it more readable.

Stan Marks, Hawker


I agree with Ian Warden that the Opera does not care about ephemeral projections of its beautiful veils.

I would go further: the Opera would undoubtedly be delighted with an occasional dress that projects a sense of cheerfulness that most indignant people would never understand forever.

H. Ronald, Jerrabomberra

Royal visit

I know that every time we make a royal visit, the debate on the republic comes up. For my part, I love the way each visit gives us so many smiles and stories of well-being. Not often that we come to see so many people having fun.

Barbara Mecham, Melba

Using naloxone

There have been comments in this article on the use and availability of naloxone. The truth is that the availability of naloxone means that fewer people die of an overdose, especially when people are trained to use it. This does not mean that more people become addicts.

Ian Jannaway, Monash

Email: [email protected]. Send from the message field, not as an attached file. Fax: 6280-2282. Mail: Letters to Editor, The Canberra Times, PO Box 7155, Canberra Mail Center, ACT 2610.

Keep your letter at 250 words or less. References to Canberra Times reports must include date and page number. Letters can be edited. Provide the telephone number and the complete home address (published suburbs only).

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