The wave breaks the artery of the woman after striking her neck


A woman's beach vacation took an unexpected turn when she was hit on the neck by a wave that fractured her from one of her arteries, according to a recent report from her case.

The 60-year-old woman, who lives in Ireland, was on vacation at the beach when a wave of the ocean hit her neck.

Soon, she began having intermittent headaches and neck pain, according to a report published on September 12 in the BMJ Case Reports. After two weeks, she still had these symptoms and one of her eyelids was starting to sag, pushing her to seek treatment. When the doctors examined the woman, they noticed that one of her students was smaller than the other. [27 Oddest Medical Cases]

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According to the Mayo Clinic, the woman was initially diagnosed with Horner's syndrome, which is a combination of symptoms caused by disruption of the brain-to-face pathway.

Many things can cause Horner's syndrome. In the case of the woman, other imaging tests revealed that she had a "carotid artery dissection" (CAD) in her right carotid artery. This occurs when blood enters a tear in the carotid artery wall and as blood accumulates, it separates the layers of the blood vessel wall. The right carotid artery is one of the four arteries of the neck that carries blood to the brain.

The dissection probably occurred because the impact of the wave had resulted in rupture of the "vasa vasorum" or small blood vessels located in the carotid artery wall, the authors wrote in the report.

Dr. Etimbuk Umana, an emergency physician from Galway University Hospitals in Ireland, who treated the patient, said that prior to the woman's case, he had never seen or read reports of 39, a beach wave causing coronary heart disease. But unusual neck movements or blunt neck trauma (such as trauma suffered during a car accident) are known causes of coronary artery disease, he told Live Science. The authors wrote that trauma was responsible for 40% of cases of coronary artery disease.


One of the concerns of patients with coronary artery disease is the risk of stroke; Indeed, according to the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, this is a common cause of stroke in people under 50 years of age. A stroke can occur if a blood clot forms at the site of the blood vessel dissection and the clot blocks the flow of blood into the brain.

For this reason, patients with coronary heart disease may be treated with anticoagulant medications (such as anticoagulants) to prevent stroke.

But for patients who have a vasa vasorum rupture, anticoagulant medications might actually present a risk of increased bleeding, the report says.

The woman was initially treated with anticoagulant medications, but treatment was discontinued, in part due to risk of bleeding. In addition, the woman had no signs of stroke or other brain problems.

The woman was closely monitored and took Lyrica (pregabalin), a medicine used to treat nerve pain, to relieve her pain. Six months later, tests showed that the injury to the artery was completely healed. The authors stated that more studies were needed to evaluate the risks and benefits of anticoagulant drugs in patients such as the one presented in this report.

Originally published on Science live.

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