The website & # 39; Brett Kavanaugh & # 39; says to survivors of sexual assault "We believe you"


As Brett Kavanaugh begins his first week at the Supreme Court, a website URL bearing his name has become an online resource for victims of assault and sexual abuse.

The website,, features a black and white image of the Supreme Court covered by the words "we believe the survivors".

"The start of Brett Kavanaugh's tenure at the Supreme Court may seem like a win for one interest group or another," reads on the homepage of the site. "But, more importantly, it focuses on the problem of sexual assault at the national level – and on how our country can and should do more to prevent it and support those who do it. have lived. "

The site contains links to national organizations such as the National Sexual Violence Resource Center, End the Rape on Campus and the National Network on Rape, Abuse and Incest.

The page also congratulates the thousands of survivors who came forward during Kavanaugh's confirmation process, stating, "We applaud your courage. We believe you. "

The website is a project of the organization Fix The Court, which focuses on judicial reform in terms of accountability and transparency.

President Donald Trump's Supreme Court candidate became the focus of the national debate when three women accused the judge of sexual assault or misconduct when he was in high school and college.

Kavanaugh sworn Brett Kavanaugh waits before being sworn in as Special Supreme Court Justice in the East Room of the White House on October 8 in Washington, DC. A website with an URL bearing the name of Kavanaugh has become a resource for survivors of sexual assault. Jim Watson / AFP / Getty Images

Her first accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, accused Kavanaugh of immobilizing her on a bed, dragging her on all fours and trying to undress her at 17. She detailed the incident before the Senate Judiciary Committee, telling lawmakers that she would never forget the "indelible laughter" of Kavanaugh and his friend, Mark Judge, during the alleged attack.

Two other women, Deborah Ramirez and Julie Swetnick, were also charged with sexual misconduct, but they were never summoned before the committee.

During hearings Kavanaugh, Trump, as well as prominent Republican senators, questioned the timing of the allegations and why these women had not reported the incidents earlier to the authorities.

The interrogation became viral, prompting the hashtag "Why I did not report" to follow social networks, and women across the country explained why they kept their aggression secret. Many responses evoked the feeling of shame and worry that no one would believe them.

Kavanaugh's confirmation was delayed to allow an FBI investigation into the charges, but he was finally confirmed by the Senate by a vote of 50 to 48. Kavanaugh was sworn in on Monday during an official ceremony, during from which Trump apologized to the judge "a terrible pain and suffering that you have been forced to bear."

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