The wedding veil of Meghan Markle had a hidden bond with the queen – and even more of the "queen of the world"


It's been a few months since the royal wedding of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry began, but the fever around the royal family is only intensifying. Take, for example, how every gesture of Markle – it closes car doors! She takes the train! – is analyzed or the public eagerly awaits that of Kate Middleton return from maternity leave.

And tonight, October 1, HBO will give us even more of the royal content we dreamed of by broadcasting the documentary Queen of the world. It examines the role of Queen Elizabeth II on the international scene and how she passes the torch to the younger royal family. Speaking of these young royals, the documentary gives us a rare inside look at the married life of Meghan and Harry. In one scene, the Duchess of Sussex expresses herself on her wedding dress and veil. As she watches both for the first time since the royal wedding, she reveals that she has added a piece of blue fabric from his first date with Prince Harry in the look. It was not the only tribute either: it also had flowers from all 53 Commonwealth countries of the United Kingdom represented in the veil.

Prince Harry marries Mrs. Meghan Markle - Windsor Castle


The wedding veil of Meghan Markle had the 53 Commonwealth countries represented.

However, the executive producer of the documentary Nick Kent said Charm there is another hidden connection to the queen herself in the veil of Meghan. "I'm going to tell you what was really impressive in the history of embroidering these flowers," Kent explains. "In addition to being one thing she thought about and cared for, it shows an appreciation of something that not everyone necessarily understands, that symbols are really important to the monarchy."

He continued, "They have been important for a thousand years or more. This particular symbol of flower embroidery on a dress – I do not know if she was aware – but 65 years earlier, the queen had done the same thing the crowning sound. She had embroidered in her dress the eight flowers of the eight countries from then era. That said something truly personal and individual, but also as a symbolic gesture: it was part of a great tradition that symbols have a powerful meaning of the monarchy connecting people. "

Coronation 1953

PHOTO: Monty Fresco

The coronation robe of Queen Elizabeth II represented the eight Commonwealth countries of the United Kingdom.

Many of us may not realize how important the Commonwealth countries are to the Queen. "The Commonwealth is what it sees as its greatest personal accomplishment," he says. "When she became a queen 65 years ago, her father died unexpectedly, unexpectedly, never imagined that she would be so young at that time." At that time, there were eight countries in the Commonwealth. Today, there are 53. So has really dedicated the last 65 years of his life to support and nurture this institution. "

As Kent was present for the shoot (and worked with the royal family in the past, most recently with Prince Harry and Prince William on the moving documentary Diana, our mother: her life and her heritage), we asked him for more secrets behind the scenes. Continue reading.

PHOTO: Courtesy of HBO

On the sense of humor of the queen …

"What really surprised me is that she has a sense of fantastic humor – that's what we see in the clip where she record her Christmas message, there is a sound of a bird and she has to do it again, she takes it heartily, I've seen it, she often meets hundreds of people every year, and Most of these people are rather intimidated at the prospect of meeting the Queen, but she puts them at ease by her sense of humor.

"It's obviously something that she has conveyed to Harry, because there's a very good clip that you've probably seen where Harry meets those young people who work at Buckingham Palace, in the very first seconds he's uses his sense of humor.I think it's something that he learned from his grandmother.Of course, they worked together to promote the Invictus Games, and they did this video of him and the queen with President Obama and Michelle Obama.This is a real sign of the Queen's sense of humor and its sense of the media. "

Speaking of Harry …

"I think her maturity and sense of responsibility is growing, one of the things we show in the film is how the Queen passes on her duties and responsibilities to the younger generation. really interesting to see Harry and Meghan later this year, as they were undertaking their first Commonwealth tour to Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific, it's exactly 65 years after the start of his big tour of the Commonwealth, just after his coronation.

"Being a member of the royal family, and this is true for Harry and for Meghan, is that it's hard work, you have to find a purpose in your life." whose members of the royal family do it is they are trying to find a cause to defend, so Harry has always been very active in promoting HIV / AIDS awareness, as well as William and Kate, in defense of the recognition of Mental Health I think Meghan talked about how women's rights evolve to be one of the causes in which she's really going to invest. "

On the royal family gathering people …

"The thing about members of the royal family, especially this generation, is that they are above politics, they are centered on values, on the promotion of particular values. 39 at a time when the world is very divided, you know, my country is very polarized, [the United States are] very polarized – politicians do not do a great job when it comes to bringing people together. And in reality, the royal family is very good at bringing people together. Whatever their political views, people come to respect the royal family and see them as role models. It's a big responsibility. As for Harry, you really see him taking on this responsibility. "

Meghan seems to adjust well …

"It's really impressive when we filmed with her, that will not surprise you, given her acting experience, that she is an accomplished professional." was how natural and comfortable she was – have not seen her wedding dress since the day of her wedding.Think about it: even on her wedding day, she does not want to be married. She probably has not looked at her dress so much, because most people on their wedding day are so worried that everything is going well and the sun is shining and things are not going bad. Blur, so it's probably the first time she's lucky enough to watch this dress with care and attention.

"What was really moving was one of the first things she said, and one of the first things she did was to look at the dress to find that little piece of blue fabric she had sewn into. the dress she had worn on her first date with Harry – it was a very spontaneous and natural moment.

"I have the impression that she is someone who has a keen sense of public service and who has a duty to do things that make the world a little better. fits very well with the mission of the royal family, because that's what every member of the royal family is about. "

Queen of the world aired on HBO Monday, Oct. 1 at 8 pm ET

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