The week in Washington: a lingering smell


"The bad ones, they're all gone … But there's a persistent stench and we're going to get rid of it too," Trump said in Missouri on Friday night, referring to members of his own justice department. Well, in fact, Mr. Speaker, there is a putrid stench coming from various neighborhoods in Washington this week. Could Dr. Christine Blasey Ford say that she was sexually assaulted in the early 1980s by a 17-year-old, seriously intoxicated girl identified as Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh? Ford wants to tell the story of this dreadful high school incident to the Senate Judiciary Committee, and after intense negotiations, she is scheduled to testify Thursday. She requested that the FBI investigate the matter and that another witness, Mark Judge, author of the 1997 memoir, "Wasted: Tales of a GenX Drunk", be present in the room at the time of the assault, is also called. The Republicans have so far denied both requests.

It seems like the same people who interviewed Anita Hill in 1991 – Senators Chuck Grassley of Iowa and Orrin Hatch of Utah – may be the ones who question Ford, although Republicans threaten to call in an outside lawyer – a woman! to further improve the lugubrious optics of old white guys grilling an alleged victim of abuse. Although his story is irresistible, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said on Wednesday that the problem was solved. "You are all following the fight of the Supreme Court and you will see it unfold during the next week," he said. the Voters Summit on the values ​​of the Family Research Council. "President Trump has named an incredibly successful person. You watched the fight, you watched the tactics, but here's what I want to tell you: In the very near future, Judge Kavanaugh will be in the US Supreme Court … "

Betraying a lack of unfathomable knowledge about the subject of sexual assault, the commander in chief himself intervened, tweeting something as strange as it might be sarcastic, but maybe not? "I have no doubt that, if the attack on Dr. Ford was as bad as she says, charges would have been filed immediately with local police authorities, either by her loving parents. I ask him to bring these documents so that we can learn the date, time and place! It was a bridge for Maine Senator Susan Collins, who called Trump's remarks "frightful". . If she manages to muster the courage to reject this appalling character, and if Senator Lisa Murkowski and / or Senator Jeff Flake join her (go to Flakey, do the right thing, you do not even stand for re-election! ) go down as fast as a fly drowned in a stale beer barrel.

Although the possibility of Ford / Kavanaugh hit the headlines, there was more news. On Wednesday, the president distributed hot dogs instead of throwing paper towels to hurricane victims in the Carolinas; On Thursday, Trump's former attorney / fixer Michael Cohen repeatedly met with Mueller's committee and talked about Russia, hoping his canary songs will reduce jail time. And bomb! Friday night, the first page of the New York Times Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein suggested last year that he was secretly recording President Trump at the White House to denounce the chaos the administration was undergoing, and he discussed the recruitment of cabinet members for invoke the 25th Amendment Trump from the office to be unfit. "

Some people think that this Time The story was planted by Rosenstein's enemies, for Trump to win. But again, get this! – other people, and Sean Hannity among them – urge Trump not to empty the AG vice president – as this could hurt Republicans in the medium term or maybe because it's easier to discredit Mueller's investigation put. For his part, Rosenstein insists he was just joking when he said all these fun things – and really, who does not find it hilarious that so many officials think the president is crazy?

If all this is too complicated for the casual observer, here is a summary: this is the third time in two weeks that people who have fled the White House have revealed ongoing discussions on the health of President Trump.

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