The West Nile found in the man DeKalb, makes the first 2018 human case of the county


A man from Dunwoody has been infected with West Nile virus, DeKalb County officials said Friday. This is the first confirmed human case of the year.

The County Health Administration Board said in a press release.

Scientists found a deKalb mosquito carrying the virus in July.

Clockwise, starting from the top left: the deer tick, which transmits Lyme disease; the American tick that transmits Rocky Mountain spotted fever and tularaemia; the Culex pipiens mosquito, which transmits West Nile virus; and the Aedes aegypti mosquito, which transmits Zika, dengue and chikungunya. CONTRIBUTED BY DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVENTION CENTERS

Gwinnett County experienced its first human case of last year.

Already this year, one person died of West Nile in Georgia.

Health officials said they will go door-to-door at DeKalb to teach residents how to avoid the virus.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that one in five infected people had fever and other symptoms. About one in 150 people report a serious or even fatal case.

From July | Number of DeKalb mosquitoes carrying triple Nile virus

here are a few tips:

• reduce outdoor exposure at dawn and dusk, that is, when West Nile virus mosquitoes are the most active; if you are outside at this time, wear a long-sleeved shirt, long pants and socks

• Use an insect repellent containing DEET, picaridin, lemon eucalyptus oil or IR3535.

• Spray clothes with products containing permethrin

• Reduce mosquito breeding by removing stagnant water from gutters and items such as planters, toys, wheelbarrows and old tires

• Discourage mosquitoes from hanging around by cutting tall grass, weeds and grapes

• Make sure your window and door screens fit snugly

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There were other cases of West Nile in Georgia

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