The White House has not "micromanaged" the FBI, says Sarah Sanders


President Donald Trump and White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders

"The Senate dictates the conditions," said White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders. | Spencer Platt / Getty Images

The president is not micromanaging the FBI's investigation into Brett Kavanaugh's alleged sexual assault on three women, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said on Sunday.

"The Senate dictates the conditions," she told Fox News Sunday. "They submitted the application and we opened it."

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Sanders said that President Donald Trump will listen to all the facts uncovered by the FBI, but she pointed out that Kavanaugh had already conducted six background investigations on the FBI, so the administration does not expect to what

Yet she warned that "this can not become a fishing expedition as the Democrats would have liked," criticized the Democratic senators for their "absolutely outrageous" behavior at the hearing of the Supreme Court's candidacy.

Trump had previously stated to have found the testimony of Christine Blasey Ford, who had told the Senate last week that Kavanaugh had sexually assaulted her at a "credible" rally. Asked what he meant, Ford's testimony "

"But it's not a question of emotion, but a lot of facts and all the facts that are hiding on the side of Brett Kavanaugh," she said. "It's clear that something has happened to these women. I do not think there is anyone in America who would tolerate that. … The big question is: was it Brett Kavanaugh?

"There is no doubt that her story is heartbreaking and heartbreaking," she continued. "Again, I think you should also look at Brett Kavanaugh's testimony, [which is] just as heartbreaking.

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