The White House imposes limits on the FBI's Kavanaugh investigation: reports


The FBI has contacted a second woman who alleges sexual misconduct on the part of Supreme Court candidate Brett Kavanaugh, several media reported on Saturday. The agency should, however, leave the third accuser of Kavanaugh alone at the request of the White House.

According to reports from NBC News and the Wall Street Journal also released on Saturday, the White House has imposed strict limits on the FBI's investigation into Kavanaugh's alleged actions.

The constraints mean that authorities may not be able to interview all available leads, reported the outlets. According to the NBC, the FBI will not specifically be able to interview Kavanaugh's classmates at Yale about his drinking habits, although alcohol plays a role in the three accusers' claims about the candidate, who denies having ever drunk to the point of not remembering certain events.

The FBI lost little time in reaching out to Deborah Ramirez, who said that Kavanaugh had put his penis exposed in the face at a party in Yale in the 1980s. His lawyer confirmed that the agency had already contacted Ramirez for an interview and that she was planning to cooperate, but she did not make any other comments.

Ramirez came forward after Christine Blasey Ford publicly accused the woman of sexually assaulting her at a high school party in 1982.

Third accuser, Julie Swetnick, said she saw Kavanaugh and his friend Mark Judge at high school parties where girls were raped by several teenagers, but did not explicitly accuse Kavanaugh of doing so himself. The judge also appeared in Blasey's story as the only witness to his aggression. Blasey says she managed to escape Kavanaugh's alleged attack after the judge jumped on them.

A judge's lawyer said his client was also considering cooperating with the FBI.

President Donald Trump told reporters Saturday that the agency had "every latitude" to do "whatever they need to do, no matter what they do."

"They will do things we have never even thought of," Trump said. "And I hope that in the end everything will be fine."

The White House has officially asked the FBI to reopen its investigation into Kavanaugh's track record on Friday, a day after Blasey detailed his claims to the Senate Judiciary Committee. Earlier on Friday, Republicans of the committee had shocked observers by accepting in a last minute move proposed by Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz) to request a formal investigation into allegations of misconduct.

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