The wife of the American white nationalist Richard Spencer says he's abused her


Richard Spencer Speaks at the Curtis M. Phillips Performing Arts Center on October 19, 2017

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Richard Spencer popularized the term "alt-right"

The wife of the American white nationalist Richard Spencer accused him of "physical, verbal and emotional abuse," US media reports.

In papers seeking divorce, Nina Koupriianova said that once in 2011, Mr. Spencer had dragged her down the stairs, which had resulted in bruises.

She stated that in 2014, he had still "attacked" her while she was four months pregnant.

In comments to the Associated Press, Mr. Spencer denied being an abusive person.

Richard Spencer is a figurehead of American far-right groups and popularized the term "alternative right".

  • Richard Spencer: White supremacist grateful to Trump

Ms. Koupriianova's divorce papers were filed in a Montana court in June, but were reported for the first time by Buzzfeed News on Tuesday.

According to the report, Ms. Koupriianova's lawyers stated that she had been "reluctant to call the police or seek a protection order for fear of further retaliation".

"A lot of the abuse was perpetrated in the presence of the children of the parties," court documents said.

Addressing Tuesday at the Associated Press news agency, Spencer said he was "not an abusive person" and that his wife was "never in". a dangerous situation ".

Richard Spencer became known for the first time when he directed the songs of "Hail Trump" in front of a group saluting the Nazis in Washington after the election victory of the US president.

He was also one of the organizers of a far right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, last year that left a woman dead.

Facebook banned him from his platform earlier this year.

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