The wife of the right leader, Richard Spencer, says that he is abusive in all respects in divorce proceedings | Courts


The wife of Richard Spencer, a native of Dallas, has accused the leader "quite right" of being "physically, emotionally, verbally and financially abusive," reported BuzzFeed News.

Nina Koupriianova presented her allegations against Spencer when she filed for divorce in a Montana district court in June.

In court documents recently obtained by BuzzFeed, Koupriianova stated that Spencer had dragged her down the stairs by her legs, arms and hair and had thrown her on the couch while she was sick because he wanted to watch a movie.

Most of the abuse was perpetrated in front of the couple's two young children, according to the documents.

In court proceedings, Spencer disputed many of Koupriianova's accounts and "denies all allegations", including that he would have increased his alcohol consumption, which "contributes to his aggressive and erratic behavior and reduces his pulse control, "reported BuzzFeed.

The couple has been married in 2010 and has been living apart since July 2017. A judge denied the attorney's attempts to seal their divorce records, BuzzFeed announced.

The depots include screenshots of conversations between the two people in which Koupriianova refers to some of the abuses, as well as photos that would show his bruises.

Koupriianova said that Spencer would tell him that "the only language that women understand is violence," reported BuzzFeed. Koupriianova is reluctant to call the police or get a protection order for fear of "further retaliation" from Spencer, his lawyers said in the documents.

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