The world's fastest artificial spinning object was created


Researchers at Purdue University have created the world's fastest artificial object. The object is running at over 60 billion revolutions per minute. It's more than 100,000 times faster than a high-speed dental drill.

The fastest rotating object should play an important role in quantum mechanics, which deals with the behavior of matter and energy on the atomic and subatomic scale. "This study has many applications including material science," an assistant professor of physics and astronomy and electrical and computer engineering at Purdue University. "We can study the extreme conditions in which different materials can survive."

To create the object, the researchers synthesized a tiny dumbbell from silica. When laser light passes through the object in levitation, it exerts a force and reaches very high rotational speeds. When the researchers direct the laser light in a circle, the object starts to spin. works in a straight or linear line.

The rotating and vibrating dumbbells could be used to discover things like the gravitational constant and the density of the Earth as well as to measure ure tiny forces or torsional equilibrium. But the researchers aim to refine the process so that they can understand quantum mechanics and vacuum properties.

"People say that there is nothing in the void, but in physics, we know it's not really empty," Li said. "There are a lot virtual particles that can stay for a short time and then disappear, we want to understand what's really going on there, and that's why we want to do the most sensible torsion balance. "[19659003] Dumbbells spinning fast, we can push the boundaries of our understanding of rotating bodies.

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