The world's first human case of rat disease discovered in Hong Kong


The world's first human case of the hepatitis E virus version in rats has been identified.

A man from Hong Kong has developed the disease, according to a new study from one of the major universities in the city.

There had been no evidence to date that the disease could go from rats to humans, and this finding is of "major importance to public health," said the University of Hong Kong .

"This study conclusively proves for the first time in the world that HEV in rats can infect humans and cause clinical infection," the report adds.

The disease was detected in a 56-year-old man who repeatedly presented abnormal liver function tests after hepatic transplantation.

There were signs of rat infestation outside the patient's home.
There were signs of rat infestation outside the patient's home. Image file

According to a report published in the South China Morning Post, researchers believe he was able to contract the disease through food infected with rat excrement.

There were signs of rat infestation outside the patient's home.

He is recovering now after being treated for the virus, the paper said.

According to the researchers, the hepatitis E virus in rats is highly linked to variants of the human hepatitis E virus.

According to the World Health Organization, the human version of hepatitis E is a liver disease that affects 20 million people worldwide each year.

It is usually spread by contaminated drinking water.

Symptoms include fever, vomiting and jaundice and, in rare cases, liver failure.

The problem of rodents in Hong Kong has worsened in recent months due to an extended period of hot and humid weather.

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