There is no good tool for early detection of pancreatic cancer | To your good health


Dear Dr. Roach • It is my understanding that there is no early test for pancreatic cancer and that it is not generally diagnosed until it is very advanced, resulting in a high mortality rate. The case of my missing loved one was confirmed only after a scan. not even an MRI revealed the tumors. The case of a distinguished person was discovered early enough to be treated successfully only because she was a colon cancer survivor and a routine CT scan performed as part of the follow-up revealed an early and treatable tumor in her body. his pancreas. Why can not we do routine computed tomography to look for pancreatic tumors? – S.C.

Answer • This is a very good question, and I am often asked questions not only about pancreatic cancer but also about ovarian cancer. The answer is that pancreatic cancer is rare (one to two in 10,000 people a year) and there are very few cases where cancer can be diagnosed early enough to make a difference.

All studies conducted so far on pancreatic cancer screening have shown no reduction in pancreatic cancer mortality rate. Even if it is detected early by CT, ultrasound or blood test, it is usually already too late for the most part. Although I rejoice for Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg, an example of these cases, she was one of the lucky few.

A reasonable follow-up might be: Even if screening only saves a few people, is not it worth it? Unfortunately, screening has disadvantages. There are costs in dollar tests. CT scans in particular emit radiation which, if repeated, can over time increase the risk of developing other types of cancers. Most importantly, the analyzes may show results that appear to be a cancer or other abnormality, but the surgical biopsy turns out to be unimportant. This causes unnecessary operations. Until now, the disadvantages of screening, even if they appear to be minimal, outweigh the much lower chances of finding a cureable cancer.

Therapeutic breakthroughs may open a new era for pancreatic cancer, in which a previously incurable disease can be successfully treated. If this happens (hopefully, when), then screening can be re-evaluated.

I should note that this discussion applies to people with no known risk factors for pancreatic cancer. Perhaps 10 to 15% of pancreatic cancers have a family component. People with a strong family history of pancreatic cancer or those with a genetic condition that predisposes to pancreatic cancer (such as BRCA2 or BRCA1) should consider enrolling in a study or finding a specialized cancer screening center pancreas in high-risk individuals. tests are more likely to have benefits.

Dear Dr. Roach • I have a mandibular tori. What started in the world? Was it a drug or something catching, like at the dentist? I am 92 years old and I do not want it to get worse. – HE.

Answer • The mandible is the lower jaw and a torus is bone growth. They are usually present on both sides, so they are called tori. A torus may also be present on the hard palate. They can grow slowly over time.

We do not know where they come from, but they are more common in men and people who cringe; so we think they come from stress in the bones. They are not worrying and do not need to be treated unless they bother you. Sometimes they become so big that they interfere with food or speech. If this is the case, they can be treated surgically. Tori are quite common, but I have never referred a patient with a torus to surgery.

Dr. Roach regretted that he could not reply to individual letters, but would incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers can e-mail their questions to [email protected].

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