There was a family gathering rally in Texas


Belong Together's largest family marches were held in Washington, DC, and New York, but that did not prevent rallies from occurring in small towns across the country – including McAllen, Texas, where protesters gathered at the US Border Patrol Station

Dozens of people gathered Saturday at McAllen Station to protest President Donald Trump's immigration policies, reports CBS 4 News. The border patrol device is one of the busiest in the nation and was the subject of much indignation during the Trump administration's practice of separating captured migrant families. illegally crossing the border. (Trump finally signed an executive order intended to keep families together.)

Another rally was to be held in Brownsville, Texas, according to CBS 4. One of the most important facilities used to house children migrants is located in Brownsville.

More than 600 Belong Together family gatherings were scheduled for Saturday, and many should attract thousands of attendees. According to the organizers, at least one event was to take place in every US state.

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