"There will be a race for three"


Friday night, Bill Maher interviewed the former chief strategist of the White House Steve Bannon about his thoughts on the Democrats and the 2020 race.

Maher began by asking Bannon "who scares him" and started listing potential candidates for 2020, such as Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA), Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom (D-CA) and former Attorney General Eric Holder. He then relied on Michael Avenatti, saying that it could be the "Trump of 2020".

"The guy who is the stranger, who likes the shots to the regular politician because he has a different look and he has balls," Maher said.

Bannon agreed.

"If Bernie Sanders had an ounce of courage from Avenatti, he would have been the Democratic candidate and we would have had a much harder time defeating him," Bannon told Maher.

"Bernie does not have any courage?" Asked Maher.

"Not like Avenatti," replied Bannon. "He has a fearlessness and a fighter. I think he will spend a lot of time in this area if he decides to stick to it. "

The former head of the Trump campaign said that we are in a "new era" where a "professional politician" is no longer desirable, citing a media expert, such as Avenatti or Oprah Winfrey will rise "at the end of the day."

He then offered his forecasts for 2020.

"You're going to have Trump right, a politician – maybe a Kamala Harris or a left-wing member, and I think you'll have a Bloomberg or one Romney or someone in the center, "said Bannon." I think it will be a three-way race. "

Watch the clip above, via HBO.

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