Theresa May hits on 'unethical' use of NDAs


Theresa May has hit the "unethical" use of non-disclosure agreements after she has emerged from the UK.

The Prime Minister told MPs on Wednesday that it was "clear" that some employers were using non-disclosure agreements "unethically".

Mrs May was responding to Jess Phillips, Labor MP, who was told that the Daily Telegraph was stopped from identifying.

Speaking during prime minister's questions in the House of Commons, Ms Phillips, who said: "It seems that our laws are going to be tough. they can pay to keep it quiet. "

NDAs have been criticized for being used by the wealthy and powerful to silence victims of sexual harassment.

Mrs May said that it was not a question of how to ensure that it was not a question of NDAs or so-called gagging clauses.

Downing Street is the first of two articles on the subject of the Financial Times' revelations regarding the behavior of certain guests at the Presidents Club Charity Dinner, a men-only charity event.

Hostesses at the event, who were sexually harassed, had been asked to sign NDAs beforehand. Many of the women who spoke to us about sexual harassment by the Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein.

The prime minister told the MPs on Wednesday: "The government is going to bring forward measures for consultation to seek to improve the regulation of non-disclosure agreements and make it absolutely easy. be enforced. "

Before the question to the prime minister, Ms Phillips told the FT that if one of the victims of the unidentified businessman came forward and consented to her naming the House of Commons, she would be willing to do it.

"It should be named as long as that is what victims want. It can not be right that the rich can buy silence, "she said.

In imposing the gagging order on the Telegraph, the UK 's Court of Appeal said that it had made important allegations against the senior executive. This "compromised" their complaints, the judges said. The settlements contained non-disclosure agreements.

Judges Sir Terence Etherton, Lord Justice Underhill and Justice Lord Henderson overturned a High Court judgment.

Their judgment did not include anyone in the case, apart from the newspaper. It said that the claimants who had sought the injunction were "two companies in the same group and a senior executive of that group".

It has been made clear that it has made allegations against the executive as "five employees of group companies", who had made allegations of "discreditable conduct" against the senior executive. Three of them had also taken their claims to an employment tribunal.

"On July 16, the Daily Telegraph Journalist contacted the claimants with a view to their comments on the subject of the allegations," the judges said. It was "clear", they added, "that he was aware of the existence of the NDAs".

"The public has a right to know when the powerful seek the gag the vulnerable", the Telegraph the speech of the author of the law.

A labor spokesman said the party was "committed to ensuring that it is not longer legally valid".

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