These eight species have disappeared from the Earth in the last 20 years


In the past decade, eight bird species have been confirmed as extinct or endangered, including one in the children's film. Rio.

The non-profit organization BirdLife International believes that the cryptic tree hunter, the Alagoas strapping and the poo-uli are now considered extinct. And Spix's macaw, represented in Rioas well as Pernambuco, are likely to disappear.

The 2011 animation told the story of two of Spix's last macaws: 11 years after the organization believes that the bird was destroyed in the wild. About 70 people would live in captivity.

The researchers spent eight years conducting a statistical analysis of 51 critically endangered species for their study, published in the journal. Biological conservation. They assessed the animals based on the criteria for the IUCN Red List Award.

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The Hawaiian black-faced rave-hazel was last spotted in 2004, the cyptic hunter has been missing since 2007, while the Alagoas gladiator was seen in 2011.

In what the organization called an example of the devastating impact of deforestation in South America, five of the eight species confirmed or suspected to be extinct came from the continent. Four inhabited Brazil.

Stuart Butchart, chief scientist of BirdLife International, said in a statement: "People think of extinctions and think about sleep, but our analysis shows that extinctions are continuing and accelerating today."

"Historically, 90% of bird extinctions were small populations on remote islands. Our evidence shows that there is a growing wave of extinctions on the continent, driven by habitat loss due to unsustainable agriculture, drainage and logging. "

Spixs-ara-rio-stock It is believed that the Spix Macaw, which was portrayed in the Rio film in 2011, would have disappeared in 2000. Getty Images

As scientists try to save species that are about to be destroyed, researchers at the University of Exeter last year urged conservationists to work with filmmakers to raise awareness about animals in the wild. Endangered.

Preservation specialists should exploit advertising methods such as product placement, while cautioning against the so-called "Nemo effect" after the clownfish movie incited creatures in captivity.

Dr. Matthew Silk of the Penryn Campus Environmental and Sustainability Institute at the University of Exeter in Cornwall and author of the study, said in a statement: "Environmental advocates could use movies placement is currently used for advertising. "

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