These GOP governors have also called for the Kavanaugh vote to be deferred … We are dealing with a very delicate subject


On Friday, Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) voted in favor of Justice Brett Kavanaugh's appointment to the Supreme Court in the Senate, but the final vote is delayed until an FBI investigation can be conducted. He deserved the party's lighthouse, the base, and gave new credibility to his last name. He is your typical moderate Republican, who is going to appease the Democrats, because we can somehow get there. No, he just lit another week – long attack against Kavanaugh. And even after the submission of the FBI report, Democrats will ask for more time. Flake must know that Democrats do not want Kavanaugh at court. The fact that he was not allowed by the Democrats to accept this false agreement is really remarkable.

Yet he was not the only Republican to ask for a deadline. On the whole, if it is true that moderates rarely lack a spine in these fights, we must give some latitude to our blue brothers, who are often in enemy territory.

Three governors of the GOP have also called for a postponement of the final vote, one of them should not shock you, and the other should be light because of a very sensitive subject (via Time):

Three Republican governors have asked for a postponement of the vote to confirm the Supreme Court's candidate, Brett Kavanaugh, so that further investigation can be conducted on allegations of sexual assault.

As California psychology professor, Christine Blasey Ford, testified at Capitol Hill, Kavanaugh restrained her, put her hands on her mouth and tried to take off her clothes, the Govs. John Kasich of Ohio, Charlie Baker of Massachusetts and Larry Hogan of Maryland all said the Senate should not rush to vote.

The Judiciary Committee of the Senate is expected to vote Friday morning on Kavanaugh to hold a vote in the Senate in the coming days.

On Tuesday, Hogan, a candidate for re-election in a blue state, said Ford's allegations needed to be thoroughly investigated.

Kasich is not shocking. He is anti-Trump. He is leaving the governor's mansion. he can be a bull in a porcelain cabinet. Hogan and Baker come from the blue states and have to walk lightly. Both should be re-elected by wide margins, despite their affiliation to a party. Both men hold some of the highest approval ratings in the country. Yet, Baker's son has been charged with sexual misconduct, which may be why he also intervened on this hub (via WGBH):

On the evening of June 20, in a transmission captured by the website, JetBlue Flight 1354 approached Logan Airport and reported a problem on board.

"Boston Police, find us at the C-34 gate," said an unidentified crew member. "We have a customer fumbling with one of the female passengers, so we have to make sure the police meet the plane at the door, please."

Two days later, WBZ-TV reported that the alleged executioner was Andrew "A.J." Baker – a son of Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker. Since then, a major question has been whether A.J. Baker, who has not yet been charged, is treated impartially by the criminal justice system.

We still do not know the situation in this case (via Boston Globe):

More than three months after a woman accused Andrew "AJ" Baker of having driven on a plane, federal officials would not say this week if they are still investigating the governor's adult son. Charlie Baker.

The governor said in June that the US Attorney's Office Andrew E. Lelling was reviewing the allegations of assault against his 24-year-old son, who told the police that he was sleeping "all the time" when June 20 flight between Washington, DC and Boston. .

No charges have been filed. But authorities have provided little information since and Lelling's office this week did not confirm or deny the existence of an investigation, echoing his earlier public statements. But a spokeswoman for Lelling said that in any investigation, she would not provide a public update if she decided not to prosecute

Well, we'll see how that happens, but even without these accusations, which should be examined, we should not have been shocked that the GOP governors of the blue state called it. Now, with Flake, who said Friday morning that he would support this appointment, only to stab us in the back afterwards, it's quite different.

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