These reactions on Twitter prove that "Bodyguard" is one of the best British shows we've had in ages.


Sunday evening, 11 million people were listened to watch the finale of the chewing thriller of the BBC Bodyguard.

A lot of them have tweeted about it, too. Just a quick look through the #Bodyguard The hashtag was enough to see how much Jed Mercurio had an impact on the six parter, recently sold to Netflix.

As the last episode approached, British politicians had their priorities.

As the action unfolded, people struggled to cope.

Others, meanwhile, were taking valuable espionage techniques.

In the end, the episode left many people feeling shaken, but satisfied.

(Although some have some key observations on the last moments of the series.)

Solid work, BBC.

The bodyguard arrives at Netflix on October 24, so if you're reading this in the United States, you'll want to mark that date in your calendar. The main character is Richard Madden, who played Robb in Game of Thrones, so what more?

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