"They steal you blind"


Former President Barack Obama launched a scathing attack on Donald Trump and the GOP during speeches in Detroit, Michigan, and Milwaukee, Wisconsin, claiming that the party "stole you blindly."

Obama was attending campaign rallies to urge people to vote for Democratic candidates in the upcoming mid-term elections next month.

He strongly criticized President Trump and other members of his party, claiming that they "made things", suggesting that the "character" of the country was "on the ballot", reported the Associated Press agency.

In Wisconsin, the former president told the crowd that Republicans were lying by claiming to want to protect people with pre-existing illnesses while trying to repeal the Affordable Care Act.

"What we have never seen before in our public life are politicians who lie blatantly, repeatedly, baldly, shamelessly. Just invent stuff, "Obama said. "Call, down. Caller black, white. That's what your governor does with these ads, just to invent things, "he said, referring to Wisconsin Republican Governor Scott Walker.

Obama also pointed to Trump's recent comments in which the president said he would pass a tax break before the mid-session. "The Congress is not even in session before the elections! He's just inventing that! He said. "Here's the thing, whatever I say, you can watch it.

Obama said the Republicans and Trump were trying to exploit the problem in order to distract voters from the real problems, pointing out that they had used this tactic to try to "drive people away." "Before each election.

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GettyImages-1054045052 Former President Barack Obama speaks at a rally to support Michigan Democrat candidates at the Detroit Cass Tech High School on October 26, 2018 in Detroit, Michigan. Bill Pugliano / Getty Images

"Now they are trying to convince everyone that the most important thing in this election [is] do not drink water in Flint, no infrastructure, do not make sure people get health care, do not put people back to work, no higher wages – no no no, "he said, according to Reuters. "What is most important in this election, what you need to fear, is that there is a group of impoverished refugees thousands of miles away.

"Do not be deceived Do not be confused Do not fall for the" Okeydoke "Because while they distract you with this alarmist speech, they steal you blind.They grant the tax cuts to their billionaire friends. "

Speaking of Hillary Clinton's use of a private messaging server, Obama has accused Republicans of hypocrisy, in the light of a recent report from New York Times which suggests that President Trump uses a cell phone that is not secure.

"In the last election, Hillary sent out her emails:" It's terrible, "" It's a national security crisis, "he said. "They were making fun of emails and you know how you know? Because if they did, they would be in the arms now that the Chinese listen to the President's iPhone that he leaves in his golf cart. "

Obama also explained that Trump's promise to "drain the swamp" during the 2016 election campaign failed, noting that "they went to Washington and simply looted." In Washington, they have accumulated enough indictments to launch the match team, "he said." No one in my administration has been charged. "

Read more: Barack Obama said the Trump government had to deal with "enough indictments to build a football team"

During one of the speeches, a woman in the crowd broke up shouting, "We want you back!"

"I can not do that, baby," answered the former president. "Because I am the United States Constitution, I can only serve two terms," ​​he said, prompting public encouragement.

For Democrats, Wisconsin and Michigan are key states on the battlefield – which Republicans narrowly won in 2016.

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