Thief uses Smartphone to steal a Tesla from the mall parking lot


"We knew it was him because he boasted a lot about what he knew about the car and his safety, and that was someone who had them." ways to achieve this, "said John Marino, the owner of Trevls. company specializing in Teslas. "I do not think it's so easy. I think this guy had an extra level of information on how to do it. He managed to hack Tesla's app to do what he did. However, even though the guy is technically intelligent and quite capable, he's pretty stupid.

You see, every time the car requires a recharge, its location is immediately known once plugged into one of Tesla's Superchargers. "Tesla is not the car to fly," said Marino. "The amount of data collected by Tesla is actually pretty scary." Not surprisingly, the guy was arrested three days later near Waco, Texas.

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