Third case of measles in Minnesota


State health officials have identified a third case of measles in a child who brought the disease back from abroad, urging them to encourage parents to get vaccinated against measles before they surrender. in other countries.

The last case, the third since the beginning of August, was identified last week by the Minnesota Department of Health. He hit a 24-month-old child who recently returned from a trip to the Middle East.

The child, who lives in Ramsey County but has not been identified elsewhere, was partially vaccinated against measles, mumps and rubella (MMR), but he did not received full protection provided by the recommended dose of two injections.

Local public health staff, as well as clinic and hospital staff where the child has been treated, notify persons who may have been exposed when the child was contagious between 6 and 6 August. September 14th.

The remaining cases, which involved trips to Africa for unvaccinated children, are not linked and do not affect a broader epidemic.

Measles is expanding in many parts of the world where, unlike the United States, it continues to circulate freely.

Although most Americans are vaccinated, people without vaccine protection or natural immunity are likely to catch highly contagious disease.

"As we have said, measles, like many other vaccine-preventable diseases, is only in the air," said Kris Ehresmann, director of infectious diseases in the Department of Health. "That's why it's so important for adults and children to be aware of the recommended vaccines before traveling."

The risk also extends to the United States who comes into contact with a person infected with measles in another country. This sparked last year's outbreak in Minnesota, which made him sick.

"Keeping high vaccination rates is the best way to protect our communities because measles can spread even before we know it's there," Ehresmann said.

Children should receive two doses of MMR vaccine – the first at the age of 12 to 15 months and the second at the age of 4 to 6 years. Children aged 6 to 12 months should receive an early dose of MMR vaccine when traveling to a country where measles is common.

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