"This country does not want them": Trump rails against migrants trying to enter the United States


President Trump protested Friday against migrants heading to the southern border, telling supporters of the border that "this country does not want them".

Thousands of migrants traveling in a caravan crossed the border between Guatemala and Mexico on Friday, and some were met by Mexican police.

"Right now, as you know, they are fighting bad people," Trump told the Mexican authorities.

"There are some bad people in this group," said Trump. "This country does not want them."

Thursday, Trump had threatened to close the US border if Mexico did not stop the caravan.

Trump repeated a favorite phrase of what he calls immigrant criminals, "bad hombre", and complained of the misuse of "migration chain", the policy of legal immigration of the family who helped his in-laws to come from Slovenia to the United States.

Democrats, said Trump, want to give immigrants a free and unconditional livelihood.

"The next thing you know, they will want to buy them a car," said Trump.

Perhaps, he said, a "Rolls-Royce, not made in the United States, so I hope it's not what we do."

Former Trump campaign director Corey Lewandowski said Trump owned a Rolls-Royce and was driving the British-made luxury car at the start of the presidential campaign.

"Democrats believe that our country should be a giant shrine city for criminal aliens," said Trump.

"Republicans believe that our country should be a sanctuary for law-abiding Americans."

Trump was campaigning for Republican Rep. Martha McSally, who is trying to win the Senate seat held by retired Senator Jeff Flake, a frequent critic of Trump. McSally, a former air force officer and combat pilot, was also critical of Trump in 2016, when his Tucson district voted for Democratic Hillary Clinton.

McSally has since become a powerful ally of Trump.

"She is strong and brave and she can fly a plane better than anyone," Trump said Friday.

Trump has described McSally's opponent, Democratic Rep. Kyrsten Sinema, as "an extreme left-wing extremist," and claimed that Sinema "is protected by false information out there," a reference. to the media covering his rally.

McSally praised Trump's tough stance on border security, prompting a song of "Building the Wall".

"This is personal for us in Arizona," said McSally.

Recent polls show the race neck to neck, offering Democrats one of the best chances of settling in the Senate.

The Fox News and CBS News / YouGov polls both found Sinema with a small margin over McSally, well within the margin of error.

Early voting is underway in the state, and Trump told the crowd that it would not bother him if people wanted to leave earlier to vote.

McSally was asked earlier this week if she was encouraging Trump not to label a woman as a "horse face", as he did in a tweet about Stormy Daniels, who claims to have had sex with the president.

"I did not agree with that. I thought it was inappropriate, okay, "McSally said, according to NBC. "I thought it was inappropriate. It's an absurd question.

Trump urged the crowd to applaud and burst out laughing, saying, "I can not call him Pocahontas anymore," referring to Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), A frequent trump troupe. "She has no Indian blood!"

Warren published the results of a DNA test showing that she possessed a Native American heritage, which responds to Trump's claim that she had wrongly claimed that inheritance.

Since being elected to Congress in 2012, Sinema has gone from the fierce Liberal who sat in the Arizona legislature to a moderate platform that voted with Trump more than almost every other Democrat in the House.

Sinema wants to be more independent than Democrat and, in a recent radio interview, declined to say whether she will vote for David Garcia, the Democratic nominee for the governorship of Arizona.

McSally and outside groups reminded voters that Sinema was once a Liberal activist and that she advocated the closure of Luke Air Force Air Base, at the west end of the Phoenix Metropolitan Area.

The past of Sinema is not a secret, but the race in the Senate has been the subject of new nuggets. A video showed her that she was referring to Arizona as the "methamphetamine lab of democracy".

During a debate on Monday, McSally accused Sinema of "betrayal" for the comments she had made in 2003 and criticizing the US intervention in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Stan Houston, a resident of Apache Junction, said that he thought McSally had the race in hand.

"If you listen to CNN and MSNBC, it will not succeed. But if you listen to the people who vote for her, she will succeed, "said Houston.

Several rallies were skeptical about Sinema's leadership position.

"They were wrong before. Why can not they be wrong again? Juanita Richardson, a resident of Tucson who went to Mesa for the rally, referring to the numerous polls that Hillary Clinton would beat Trump in 2016.

Phoenix resident Lizzy Durso described herself as a "silent supporter" of Trump, who feels comfortable enough to support the president openly and attend her first rally for him. She said she was one of many. That same silent support will help McSally win, she said.

Emily Guskin contributed from Washington.

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