This DIY drink can help you lose weight, burn fat belly | fitness


If you are interested in weight loss, you can also have a combination of lemon juice and parsley. While lemon juice is a good detoxifier, when combined with parsley, it can work wonders for your weight loss and help you lose weight.

While parsley is low in calories, it contains vitamins A, B, C and K as well as minerals such as iron and potassium. It also works as a natural diuretic which can help to flush away toxins and excess fluid. Another important factor is that it helps to reduce blood loss, and the chlorophyll can help weight loss. It also contains enzymes that improve digestion and play a role in losing weight.

Lemon juice, a favorite among weight watchers, boosts hydration in the body, helps in digestion, and maintains the body's pH balance.

Here's how you can make a nutritious drink using parsley and lemon:

Take a bunch of chopped parsley and squeeze the juice of a lemon. Put in a blender and add a cup of water. Have it fresh and on an empty stomach for best results.

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First Published: Oct 28, 2018 09:48 IST

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