This is at & # 39; Captain Marvel & # 39; and & # 39; Birds Of Prey & # 39; to record cartoon superhero movies

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& # 39; Captain Marvel & # 39;Disney

"The future is a woman." This is the quote that appears in bold on the Weekly entertainment cover that offered the first look behind the scenes of Brie Larson Captain Marvel. This is, of course, both a current political slogan and a slogan created in 1975 by the owners of a women's bookstore in Greenwich Village about lesbian separatism, but I digress. Kevin Feige discussed the idea that the post-Avengers 4 MCU will have more gender parity in front of and behind the camera. That may not mean much from the company that took 20 films and 10.5 years to come up with a solo superhero movie directed by a woman (and spent four years swearing on a solo Black Widow movie), Captain Marvel is one of the few superhero films directed by high-level women that open over the next 1.5 years.

At a glance, we have the Dark Phoenix February 14, 2019, which sells at least as a psychological drama centered on Jean Gray, created in 1990 and who could or could not give to Sophie Turner dead Pool or Logan– like a projector. And yes, the set of Brie Larson in 1990 Captain Marvel Brie Larson will lead the first women-led superhero movie when it opens on March 8, 2019. Avengers 4 Captain America and Iron Man will surely focus on The Wasp of Evangeline Lilly and Valkyrie by Tessa Thompson, while letting Captain Marvel play an important role in the story. And the year will end with DC Films Wonder Woman 1984 which will bring together star Gal Gadot and director Patty Jenkins during his debut on November 1, 2019.

Cathy Yan Birds of prey seems to be the most exciting of the band. It is directed by a Sino-American director with only one darling indie (like many white filmmakers who made the indie-to-tentpole jump), and star / producer Margot Robbie will be back next to Harley Quinn. a group of superheroes and female superheroes from DC Comics. Starting today, Mary Elizabeth Winstead will play The Huntress while Jurnee Smollett-Bell will play against Black Canary and we should be aware of who will be playing soon at Renée Montoya / The Question (and whoever it is). other). The alleged "girl gang" movie rated R will open on February 7, 2020. Not only does it differ from anything we've seen in the genre, but it's perhaps the first undated female superhero movie . Elektra in 2005.

If the future is feminine, then (including the pre-War of infinity team up Ant-Man and the wasp), The so-called set of 1970 by DC Films Super Girl film and the pre-Iron Man solo Black Widow film) the past is apparently too. It's a bizarre quirk, of course. Perhaps this is due to the inability of studio executives to accept the notion of the current female superhero that addresses current issues. This is perhaps not so different from the preference (both studios and public) of the movies of the time (The Help, 42, The Butler, BlacKkKlansman, etc.) that deal with racial discrimination in the past to allow today's white audiences to feel superior to the previous generation. Or, to be honest, it can be natural that each film franchise assigns the respective solo film in continuity.

If I'm optimistic for the moment, then I would say that the comparative stream of women-led superhero movies is more than just a coincidence. It's not that the studio directors are more and more "woken up" by magic or that they realize, as if by magic, that studio superhero movies with girls can also make money! The next batch of superhero movies will indeed offer more gender parity, not because Hollywood has become enlightened, but because there is nothing left to do. After exhausting most of the white male superheroes known for 20 years, there is no choice but to highlight female superheroes and minority superheroes who have not had their time yet. of glory. This is the next step in the evolution of the superhero movie and a necessary step to remain the dominant Hollywood blockbuster.

The Hollywood cartoon movie has evolved or mutated over the past 30 years. If we break it down, there have been three specific phases. The success of Tim Burton Batman In 1989, a wave of adventurous and pulpy films featuring the heroes of the 1930s and 1940s did their part against Nazis, gangsters and foreign invaders. But because they were more popular characters with parents and because they did not always have real blue movie stars, like The Rocketeer, The ghost and L & # 39; shadow everything stumbled. Yes, Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (a well-known character with a bunch of stars) was a monster hit and The mask of Zorro (starring the first Hispanic actor to play Zorro in an American movie), the genre was still dominated by the Batman sequels.

That changed in the late 1990s when the new line spawn and Blade showed that the audience would indeed embrace a superhero currently popular in a current story. Yes, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and The mask (New Line, natch) led the way, but the success of Marvel Blade (which was sold as a Wesley Snipes-based comics-based vehicle) paved the way for X Men and eventually Spider Man. The 1998-2008 period was inundated with current superhero movies featuring characters that today's children knew and loved. It was this time that gave us Batman Begins, Fantastic Four, Daredevil and Superman Returns. Coincidentally, they got an extra pathos (and an extra subtext) via the complicated response to the 9/11 attacks. Like the 1990s, the sub-genre was dominated by a non-standard franchise (Spider Man).

The next big change came in 2008. It was twofold. The first most obvious evolution has been with Iron Man who announced the arrival of what would become the cinematic universe of Marvel. The original story of Robert Downey Jr. was inspired by the current performance of Robert Downey Jr. to announce what would soon become an interconnected mythology. Would not be the likes of Batman & Robin simply that Superman is working alone, but now the likes of Thor, Captain America and the Hulk come together in each other's films. After the success of The Avengers In 2012, Hollywood spent six years unsuccessfully pursuing its own success in the universe, with only (so far) New Line's horror franchise. Conspiracy remove it in spades. But the other change was probably more important.

Two months later Iron ManChris Nolan The black Knight broke box office records and earned rave reviews to become a defining example of comic book film as a Hollywood classic. The sequel to Batman v Joker played as a hybrid of the superhero movie, actor Michael Mann and melodrama Sydney Lumet. It was an explicit attempt to essentially tell a genre story and a drama of characters that were also centered on comic superhero characters. X-Men Origins: Wolverine would try something similar in 2009 (it's a gun actor of the 1990s), but Marvel would focus on the appropriation of the genre to distinguish hisThe Avengers films from each other and justify several movies each year. The ant man was a burglary film, The Winter Soldier was a conspiracy thriller, etc. It also allowed the genre to dominate Hollywood.

When Captain America: The Winter Soldier is definitely better than Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit, and Spider-Man: Homecoming proposes melodramatic and superhero actions at the age of majority, it is much harder to convince an audience The edge of seventeen or Father of blood. When Hollywood continues to try to create new franchises by taking back old properties and turning them into encrypted superhero history stories (King Arthur: Legend of the Sword, Pan, Solo: A story of Star Wars), the result is that the contest is close to the genre of movies "just a film of superheroes" that do not work well. The real article can only turn out to be the top entertainment. Even if you're not a cartoon fan, something like Wonder Woman or Black Panther is clearly the superior choice over The Mummy or tomb Raider.

After next year, even Marvel, DC and Fox (or Fox / Disney) -specific superhero movies of each genre will threaten to become "just a superhero movie". The notion of a superhero movie led by a white man (even a Batman movie) may not remain an event movie much longer. This is especially true when the audience has not heard of the hero in question. Even Marvel has basically covered the most popular and well-known characters in their team, which means that Phase Four and Five (giving or taking Fox properties) will have to focus on really cult characters. Escape as Guardians of the Galaxy will have to become peer for the course. So, how do you keep making those special films when people have not heard of the new heroes? By giving under-represented demographics their time in the spotlight.

In a world where white superhero movies have become a little bit the same as the course, I will say that creating the next batch taking into account sexual, ethnic and racial inclusion will allow them to be event films specifically for those who want to see themselves on the screen. in these kinds of iconic roles. Captain Marvel is an event for women in a way that Aquaman will not be. Black Panther was an event film of a generation for the black audience in a way that would not have been frankly filmed as Blade or Hancock been more prepared for the course. A theory night light The film with Lewis Tan would be much more an event than a movie with Garrett Hedlund. The easiest way to keep these movies up to date is to change the player who plays the heroes and villains.

Birds of prey will be new and different in a way that Venom will not be. The only thing unique on the first Captain Marvel The teaser was that it was for an MCU movie with a female protagonist. It may be enough, even if Marvel has earned our benefit from the doubt and if I assume there are still many fantastic things to reveal. By default, many classic comic characters tend to be copies of each other, the origin being similar to the same drink that is poured into different glasses. Telling these stories with underrepresented demographics is one way to keep the formula cooler and keep the cartoon superhero movie concept as a real event movie for at least some demographics.

And yes, at a time when white men are (somewhat) credited with being the author of all our suffering, they will feel much more discontent seeing overpopulated white guys indulging in heroic fantasies aimed at the highly demographic become (or was) the bad guy. At a time when the mere existence of a woman and / or a minority in America is almost described as superheroic, these films can be excellent examples of textual texts.


"The future is a woman." This is the quote that appears in bold on the Weekly entertainment cover that offered the first look behind the scenes of Brie Larson Captain Marvel. This is, of course, both a current political slogan and a slogan created in 1975 by the owners of a women's bookstore in Greenwich Village about lesbian separatism, but I digress. Kevin Feige discussed the idea that the post-Avengers 4 MCU will have more gender parity in front of and behind the camera. That may not mean much from the company that took 20 films and 10.5 years to come up with a solo superhero movie directed by a woman (and spent four years swearing on a solo Black Widow movie), Captain Marvel is one of the few superhero films directed by high-level women that open over the next 1.5 years.

At a glance, we have 20th Century Fox's Dark Phoenix February 14, 2019, which sells at least as a psychological drama centered on Jean Gray, created in 1990 and who could or could not give to Sophie Turner dead Pool or Logan– like a projector. And yes, the entire 1990s of Brie Larson Captain Marvel Brie Larson will lead the first women-led superhero movie when it opens on March 8, 2019. Avengers 4 Captain America and Iron Man will surely focus on The Wasp of Evangeline Lilly and Valkyrie by Tessa Thompson, while letting Captain Marvel play an important role in the story. And the year will end with DC Films Wonder Woman 1984 which will bring together star Gal Gadot and director Patty Jenkins during his debut on November 1, 2019.

Cathy Yan Birds of prey seems to be the most exciting of the band. It is directed by a Sino-American director with only one darling indie (like many white filmmakers who made the indie-to-tentpole jump), and star / producer Margot Robbie will be back next to Harley Quinn. a band of superheroes and female superheroes from DC Comics. Starting today, Mary Elizabeth Winstead will play The Huntress while Jurnee Smollett-Bell will play against Black Canary and we should be aware of who will be playing soon at Renée Montoya / The Question (and whoever it is). other). The alleged "girl gang" movie rated R will open on February 7, 2020. Not only does it differ from anything we've seen in the genre, but it's perhaps the first undated female superhero movie . Elektra in 2005.

If the future is feminine, then (including the pre-War of infinity team up Ant-Man and the wasp), The so-called set of 1970 by DC Films Super Girl Marvel movie and filmIron Man solo Black Widow film) the past is apparently too. It's a bizarre quirk, of course. Perhaps this is due to the inability of studio executives to accept the notion of the current female superhero that addresses current issues. This is perhaps not so different from the preference (both studios and public) of the movies of the time (The Help, 42, The Butler, BlacKkKlansman, etc.) that deal with racial discrimination in the past to allow today's white audiences to feel superior to the previous generation. Or, to be honest, it can be natural that each film franchise assigns the respective solo film in continuity.

If I'm optimistic for the moment, then I would say that the comparative stream of women-led superhero movies is more than just a coincidence. It's not that the studio directors are more and more "woken up" by magic or that they realize, as if by magic, that studio superhero movies with girls can also make money! The next batch of superhero movies will indeed offer more gender parity, not because Hollywood has become enlightened, but because there is nothing left to do. After exhausting most of the white male superheroes known for 20 years, there is no choice but to highlight female superheroes and minority superheroes who have not had their time yet. of glory. This is the next step in the evolution of the superhero movie and a necessary step to remain the dominant Hollywood blockbuster.

The Hollywood cartoon movie has evolved or mutated over the past 30 years. If we break down, there have been three specific phases. The success of Tim Burton Batman In 1989, a wave of adventurous and pulpy films featuring the heroes of the 1930s and 1940s did their part against Nazis, gangsters and foreign invaders. But because they were more popular characters with mom and dad, and because they did not always have real movie stars, The Rocketeer, The ghost and L & # 39; shadow everything stumbled. Yes, Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (a well-known character with a bunch of stars) was a monster hit and The mask of Zorro (starring the first Hispanic actor to play Zorro in an American movie), the genre was still dominated by the Batman sequels.

That changed in the late 1990s when the new line spawn and Blade showed that the audience would indeed embrace a superhero currently popular in a current story. Yes, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and The mask (New Line, natch) led the way, but the success of Marvel Blade (which was sold as a Wesley Snipes-based comics-based vehicle) paved the way for X Men and eventually Spider Man. The 1998-2008 period was inundated with current superhero movies featuring characters that today's children knew and loved. It was this time that gave us Batman Begins, Fantastic Four, Daredevil and Superman Returns. Coincidentally, they obtained additional pathos (and additional subtext) via the complex response to the September 11th attacks. As in the 1990s, the sub-genre was dominated by a surplus franchise (Spider Man).

The next big change came in 2008. It was twofold. The first most obvious evolution has been with Iron Man who announced the arrival of what would become the cinematic universe of Marvel. The original story of Robert Downey Jr. was inspired by the current performance of Robert Downey Jr. to announce what would soon become an interconnected mythology. Would not be the likes of Batman & Robin simply that Superman is working alone, but now the likes of Thor, Captain America and the Hulk come together in each other's films. After the success of The Avengers In 2012, Hollywood spent six years unsuccessfully pursuing its own success in the universe, with only (so far) New Line's horror franchise. Conspiracy remove it in spades. But the other change was probably more important.

Two months later Iron ManChris Nolan The black Knight broke box office records and earned rave reviews to become a defining example of comic book film as a Hollywood classic. The sequel to Batman v Joker played as a hybrid of the superhero movie, actor Michael Mann and melodrama Sydney Lumet. It was an explicit attempt to essentially tell a genre story and a drama of characters that were also centered on comic superhero characters. X-Men Origins: Wolverine would try something similar in 2009 (it's a gun actor of the 1990s), but Marvel would focus on the appropriation of the genre to distinguish hisThe Avengers films from each other and justify several movies each year. The ant man was a burglary film, The Winter Soldier was a conspiracy thriller, etc. It also allowed the genre to take over essentially Hollywood.

When Captain America: The Winter Soldier is definitely better than Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit, and Spider-Man: Homecoming proposes melodramatic and superhero actions at the age of majority, it is much harder to convince an audience The edge of seventeen or Father of blood. When Hollywood continues to try to create new franchises by taking back old properties and turning them into encrypted superhero history stories (King Arthur: legend of the sword, Pan, Solo: A story of Star Wars), the result is that the contest is close to the genre of movies "just a film of superheroes" that do not work well. The real article can only turn out to be the top entertainment. Even if you're not a cartoon fan, something like Wonder Woman or Black Panther is clearly the superior choice over The Mummy or tomb Raider.

After next year, even the Marvel and DC and Fox (or Fox / Disney) specific superhero movies are threatening to become "just a superhero movie". The notion of a white superhero movie led by a man (even a Batman movie) may not remain an event movie much longer. This is especially true when the audience has not heard of the hero in question. Even Marvel has basically covered the most popular and well-known characters in their team, which means that Phase Four and Five (giving or taking Fox properties) will have to focus on really cult characters. Escape as Guardians of the Galaxy will have to become peer for the course. So, how do you keep making those special films when people have not heard of the new heroes? By giving under-represented demographics their time in the spotlight.

In a world where white superhero movies have become a little bit the same as the course, I will say that creating the next batch taking into account sexual, ethnic and racial inclusion will allow them to be event films specifically for those who want to see themselves on the screen. in these kinds of iconic roles. Captain Marvel is an event for women in a way that Aquaman will not be. Black Panther was an event film of a generation for the black audience in a way that would not have been frankly filmed as Blade or Hancock been more equal for the course. A theory night light The film with Lewis Tan would be much more an event than a movie with Garrett Hedlund. The easiest way to keep these movies up-to-date is to change who will be able to play heroes and villains.

Birds of prey will be new and different in a way that Venom will not be. The only thing unique on the first Captain Marvel The teaser was that it was for an MCU movie with a female protagonist. It may be enough, even if Marvel has gained our benefit from the doubt and I imagine there are still many fantastic things to reveal. By default, many classic comic characters tend to be copies of each other, the origin being similar to the same drink that is poured into different glasses. Telling these stories with underrepresented demographics is one way to keep the formula cooler and keep the cartoon superhero movie concept as a real event movie for at least some demographics.

And yes, at a time when white men are (fairly accurately) credited for being the author of all our suffering, we will feel much more attentive to watching overpowering white guys embody heroic fantasies intended to please the same demographic group or was) the bad guy. At a time when the mere existence of a woman and / or a minority in America is almost described as superheroic, these films can be excellent examples of textual texts.

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