"This is not the best time of the media"


<p class = "canvas-atom-canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – smt Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski's comments on the media begin at 4:55 pm"data-reactid =" 13 ">Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski's comments on the media begin at 4:55 pm

The "Morning Joe" series had a negative view of the most recent media coverage surrounding Brett Kavanaugh, criticizing the allegations and insinuations surrounding his appointment to the Supreme Court this week.

"This is not the best time for the media," Barnicle said.

On the set, Joe Scarborough went even further in denouncing the liberal journalists who had apparently already made their decision before the facts could be known.

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"Oh my God, we have been harshly critical of Fox News for being in the tank and being the state television for Donald Trump," said the former GOP congressman. last week saw me wanting to call networks and put a "D" in front of the name of the so-called journalists who have already decided that Brett Kavanaugh was a rapist. "

"This three-hour block is a smear-free zone. There will be no condemnation of one or the other of the two teams on this broadcast, "added Mika Brzezinski, a co-host, who warned that such fouling would result in a expulsion from the group.

"I have already done it," she said.

What started with an allegation of sexual assault two weeks ago by California professor Christine Blasey Ford, led to a second charge at the same time in the 1980s by another woman, Deborah Ramirez, on Sunday. Stormy Daniels' lawyer, Michael Avenatti, also toured Twitter and MSNBC / CNN this week to urge more women, who he says are planning to present evidence corroborating Kavanaugh.

On Monday, Kavanaugh participated in an interview on Fox News with his wife to once again offer a categorical denial of all the allegations against him.

"I have never sexually assaulted anyone. I had no sexual intercourse or other intercourse in high school or for many years thereafter, "he told Martha MacCallum, adding that he had never been to the party. school days.

Read the original article "Morning Joe" Slams Kavanaugh's cover: "This was not the best media time" at TheWrap

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