This is the very first video ever filmed from the surface of an asteroid


A week after giving us the first photo of the surface of the 162173 Ryugu asteroid, the Japanese rovers of the brand MINERVA have just sent us new images of the surface of the asteroid, including the very first video of the surface of an asteroid.

MINERVA-II2 (AKA Rover 1B) captured 15 images in 74 minutes on September 23, as the sun "roamed" the "sky". When they are played back in sequence, the images become a video of the vehicle's view, with 174 million miles (280M km) of the Earth.

The rover also shared photos of the surface of the rocky asteroid between hops:

The rovers move around the asteroid in 15-meter (15-m) bounds, lasting 15 minutes each, due to the extremely low gravity of the asteroid. Here is an illustration of the artist representing the aspect of rovers on the asteroid:

You can follow the progress of rovers, photos and videos across the @ haya2e_jaxa Twitter account and project website.

Image credits: Asteroid video of JAXA and reprocessed by Gizmodo

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