This Is Us Season 3 Episode 2 Review: A Philadelphia Story


Oh, Kevin, we almost did not see you.

At least, that's what we felt in This Is Us Season 3, Episode 2. "A Philadelphia Story" was announced as Kevin's big first, so it would be understandable that someone thought that he will be at the center of the episode.

Instead, it was set to a place in the video game. Her screenplay was again eclipsed by the drama of Kate and Randall, which makes me a bit bitter.

Nervous Kevin - This Is Us Season 3 Episode 2

Kevin has grown so much in the last two seasons and his family should make sure his big day is around him. Again, Kate, Randall and Rebecca are too involved in their own lives to really support Kevin.

No wonder this guy needs a therapy.

Fortunately, Kevin has always been treated as an afterthought and was incredibly mature throughout the episode. After years of being The Manny and being treated like a simple piece of meat, Kevin was finally in a serious movie.

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And he just wished his dad was here to see him, because he's the only person who took Kevin seriously. Cue the water works.

Papa Pearson is proud of you Kevin, we all know it!

Although I think Kevin did not disrespect Kevin for his role in the episode, I'm very happy to see his relationship with Zoe develop. She wanted things to go slowly, which is why she was not there at first, but after seeing how cute she was on a red carpet, Zoe is ready to go out of her way with this man.

Get it, girl!

I am the king of cases. Case as casual not the king of cashmere. Although it's a lie; I am the king of cashmere. I am, and I am not ashamed of it.


Although Kevin's presence or absence has upset me, Randall has more than made up for that. Sterling K. Brown delivered another playoff performance. Seriously, the guy has a serious range. He made me laugh at one second and then emptied the next second.

Randall has always had identity problems, being a black child raised by a white family. That was why it was very understandable to him when Deja struggled in his new and very white school.

Already: This school is pretty white, man.
Randall: what? Whites go to this school?
Already: They have a club for milk lovers. What is it?
Randall: It looks like my kind of club. Where can I register?

Randall takes him to a community center that William attended all the time. Side note, it was great to see William again. I did not realize how much his presence had been missed in the series until it was reviewed in flashbacks like that of "A Philadelphia Story".

William's flashbacks with a woman named Chee Chee have been used to show how Randall is different from his biological father. William was someone who has always lived in the moment and did not let the obstacles bother him to enjoy life.

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Randall, on the other hand, is a person who must solve a problem as soon as he sees one. That's what pushed him to have a nervous breakdown during Season 1 of This Is Us. This will probably make him get another one as soon as possible.

Randall is in crisis of identity. He's not like William. He's not like Jack. Who is he?

The Family Man - It's We Season 3 Episode 2

That's the question Randall will be looking for, and I can not wait to see the incredible performance that Sterling K. Brown will deliver once again.

While the adult Randall is in a crisis of identity, her teenager intensifies and does her best to fill her father's shoes. Rebecca and the children are still mourning after losing Jack and Randall is the only one to take it away.

He entered Howard University and despite the tragic loss, things are going well for him. However, his family is crumbling and, as we have seen with Randall, he still feels the need to fix a problem.

Brotherly Love - This Is Us Season 3 Episode 2

Randall refuses his acceptance to help his family, but I still wonder if an adult, Randall, still has a bit of resentment towards his family because of that.

In the end, this backtracking only adds more fuel to the fire which is an upcoming explosion of Randall.

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Before this explosion, Randall and Kevin shared an incredibly sweet and fraternal bonding moment that I needed more. Whenever these two show themselves to be love, an angel gets his wings.

Their adorableness is this powerful.

Randall: Will this movie make me cry?
Kevin: Uh, you're crying on everything, so probably.
Randall: Oh, that will make me cry buckets, I can say it.

Now let's talk about the woman who has brought everyone down lately, Kate. On This Is Us Season 3 Episode 1, she ruined the party that Madison organized for her and this time she injured almost everyone in her family.

I understand, she wants a baby. It was heartbreaking when she had a miscarriage and I want to see her, Toby and their family happy and happy, but she does not have to be so hurtful all the time.

Hollywood Kate - It's We Season 3 Episode 2

The relationship between Rebecca and Kate was just starting to take shape until Rebecca discovered Kate's IVF treatments. Of course, Rebecca can sometimes put her foot in her mouth, but this time she was just a worried parent.

She also reminded Kate that there were other options, such as adoption.

Kevin: What's going on here?
Miguel: Well, Kate and Toby become In Vitro and your mother knows everything about IVF thanks to Eloise and Plaza.
Kevin: The book?
Miguel: No.

Still, Kate being Kate says that she wants to have a baby who will remind him of Jack and that she is the only sister who can do it.

She was so wrong to say that, which was obvious to almost everyone except her.

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First of all, Rebecca has adopted Randall and likes it as much as she likes Kevin and Kate. So, Kate should never have simply rejected adoption as an option.

Second, to claim that she is the only one who can give birth to a baby who looks like Jack is incredibly disrespectful to his brothers, especially Randall. Biology is not all Kate!

Kate and Toby - This Is Us Season 3 Episode 2

I loved Kate in This Is Us Season 2 but lately she has started to put me on the cusp. Her desire to have a baby made her really selfish and I hope Toby will no longer take her anti-depressants just to make her wish come true.

Also, where the hell was Jack and Beth in this episode? Beth stole the show in This Is Us Season 3, Episode 1 and Jack is at the heart of the series. The fact that each of them has only made a five-minute appearance in "A Philadelphia Story" is outrageous. Please, do not ever do that to me again. This Is Us!

What did you think of "A Philadelphia Story?"

Do you think Kevin was deprived of recess?

Is Kate becoming too selfish?

Are you excited to see Randall's trip further explored?

Let us know in the comments and if you need to catch up with previous episodes, be sure to watch This Is Us online, right here on TV Fanatic.

Brandon Viera is a writer for TV Fanatic. Follow on Twitter.

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