This is what Moon Landing slavers think of Ryan Gosling's "first man"


"First Man," a film that dramatizes Neil Armstrong's historic trip to the moon in 1969, has managed to shake a curious Venn diagram of seemingly unrelated groups: conservative politicians and deniers.

Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Marco Rubio (R-Fl.) And other "door-flag" conservatives have denounced Damien Chazelle's new film for "erasing" the American flag from its history. 39, lunar landing. According to Rubio, it is the "total madness" that causes Chazelle not to show the moment when astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin put the flag on the lunar surface.

You know who else thinks the movie is a total madness? People who think that lunar madness has been in play for decades.

According to a 1999 Gallup poll, 6% of Americans at the time did not think American astronauts were walking on the surface of the moon 30 years ago. The data may be old, but the conspiracy theorists who call Armstrong and Aldrin sequences slipping on the moon #fakenews persist today. I know, because I asked them to share with me their feelings about "First Man", a film about something they did not think they had.

Here is what the deniers of the moon landing think of the new biographical film starring Ryan Gosling:

Matthew Real, the filmmaker behind a video of BuzzFeed on doubts about landing on a moon, calls "First Man" a tired concept and states that Armstrong "fell back to become a national hero".

I'm really intrigued only by other viewers. Which means, not really. It's a tired concept [movies about the moon landing] in general, and knowing that they are very likely will not cover facts that have actually been documented (for example, the vocal criticism of the Apollo mission by some astronauts and the untimely death of Gus Grissom), I have very little interest in me.

With a filmmaker perspective, I do not think Damien Chazelle really takes any chances. So, this is probably a very cold piece of something that, in my opinion, is not quite true.

What I would like to see is a film about Gus Grissom. Maybe someone wants to tell this story. It is much more interesting. In reality, the unpublished story, whether the landing was simulated or not, is far more interesting than celebrating Armstrong. He was not the first choice and had somehow fallen back to become a national hero. It's because he could keep a secret or just because the other guys died in a tragic accident.

Bart Sibrel, the filmmaker behind "A funny thing that happens on the way to the moon" and who was already struck by Buzz Aldrin, first gave the following answer:

I would be happy to speak with you, after you kindly thank me for the first reading of the detailed article (link below) that I wrote on this subject, and then for the projection of my 47 minutes entitled "A funny thing is happening on the way to the Moon" (link also below), so that your interview is informed to me and that the questions to which the article and the film bring an answer must not not be duplicated. After which, if you wish, you can record a phone interview with me about your remaining questions.

After I told him that I only wanted to talk about his "First Man" impression, he jumped on the phone to say that seeing him would be like "a Christian who's going to see a movie about why evolution is the truth" supreme".

I have no intention of seeing the movie. It would be as if a Christian was going to see a movie about why evolution is the supreme truth. It would be a waste of time and I would find it insulting.

First of all, they did not go to the moon and all you have to do is to know: ask yourself the following question: "Did they really go 1000 times over there 50 years ago that they can not today? "The technology does not go back. If they could go to the moon at the very first attempt with equipment from the 1960s, [but] they can not go today – they can only go a thousandth of a mile with more advanced rockets and computers for 50 years – so there is something wrong with this picture.

Colin Rourke, a math teacher who wrote an article doubting pictures of the moon landing, would not comment, but provided this comment:

It's a simple element of elemental geometry that proves without a shadow of a doubt that some of Moon Landings's photos are skewed. Since they all share common characteristics, the obvious conclusion is that they are all falsified. If this makes you think that landings have been falsified, this is a very sensible deduction. I do not comment on this.

I do not intend to go see the last picture of the landing. Have fun revising it.

Jay Weidner, who has produced films that explain how Stanley Kubrick would have directed the landing on Moon, is excited about "First Man" but especially wants me to know that his new documentary on Kubrick will be "explosive".

Yes I have the intention to see it as soon as possible. I can not really wait. I will let you know. BTW, my third Kubrick Doc "Dark Moon Rising" will be released in January / February 2019 just in time for the 50th anniversary. It will be an explosive film.

Aulis Online, a website that says "promote greater awareness and stimulate different thinking" and contains articles from skeptics, sent a curious quote from Neil Armstrong instead of a real comment.

The film only came out in the UK today, so no one has seen it yet. In
In any case, our authors associate with the articles, articles and commentaries published on and Neil Armstrong's remarks made at the White House in 1994 on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the landing of Apollo 11.

"We have with us a group of students, some of the best in America. For you, we say that we have only finished a beginning. We leave you a lot of things undone. There are some excellent undiscovered ideas, breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of the protective layers of truth. There are places to go beyond belief. These challenges are yours in many areas, including space, because there is human destiny.

Marcus Allen, British publisher, distributor of Nexus Magazine and denier of landing on the moon, plans to watch the film. Out of this world!

I certainly intend to watch the movie "First Man", but since it was released in the UK today, Friday, October 12, I have not seen it yet. I have read the book, First man, on which the film is based. I'll be interested to see how the two compare.

Philippe Lheureux, author of Moon Landing: NASA Lie ??, did not know what I was talking about.

Translated from French: "I do not know what movie you are talking about."

So there you have it. The landings were they wrong? Has the man actually gone to the moon? All we know is that it's "First Man," Houston, they have a problem.

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