This is when your body burns the most calories, study says


There are plenty of ways to burn calories. One of the ways to burn your day.

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Researchers from Harvard Medical School, published in Current Biology Journal, circadian rhythms, which control the body's sleep cycles, influence calorie burning.

To do so, they examined adults, aged 38 to 69, in a special laboratory with clocks, windows, phones and Wi-Fi to hide the time of day. The participants had assigned bedtimes and wake-up times. Each night, those times were adjusted to different times. This method helped the scientists identify the subjects of natural circadian rhythms without the influence of environmental factors.

"Because they were doing the equivalent of circling the globe every week," she said, "their co-author Jeanne Duffy was explained in a statement. "This is a different type of biological metabolism."

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The analysts also tracked the participants' food intake, activity levels and body temperatures, which helped the team measure energy expenditure.

After analyzing the results, they said they were late in the morning, and at their highest was in the late afternoon. They revealed the higher temperature, the more calories burned.

In fact, they discovered more than 10 percent more calories, which equals about 130 calories, in the late afternoon.

"It is not only what we eat, but when we eat – and rest – that impacts how much energy we burn or store as fat," Duffy said. "Regularity of habits such as eating and sleeping is very important to overall health."

Despite the findings, the researchers are not sure if people should reschedule their workouts and mealtimes. However, they hope to further their investigations so that they can evaluate the body's response to food with the time of day.

Want to learn more about the assessment? Take a look here.

RELATED: The best times to eat breakfast and dinner for weight loss

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