This monarch butterfly is on a south migration path | Life


The monarch butterfly or simply monarch (Danaus plexippus) is a butterfly butterfly (subfamily Danainae) of the family Nymphalidae. Other common names in the region include milkweed, tender tiger, vagrant, and black veined brown. Perhaps the most well-known North American butterfly, it is considered an emblematic species of pollinators. Its wings have an easily recognizable black, orange and white pattern, with a wingspan of 8.9-10.2 cm (3 1/2-4 in). The viceroy butterfly is similar in color and pattern, black stripe on each rear wing.

The monarch butterfly population in eastern North America is characterized by annual southward migration in late summer / fall from northern and central United States and southern Canada to Florida, and Mexico. During the fall migration, the monarchs travel thousands of kilometers, with a return corresponding to the north over several generations. The monarch butterfly population from western North America to the western Rocky Mountains often migrates to southern California sites, but has also been observed in overwintered Mexican sites. The monarchs were transported to the International Space Station and raised there.

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