This Moon Landing Brought to You By … NASA Announces That They Might Be Putting Ads on Rockets


This Moon Landing Brought to You By ... NASA Announces That They Might Be Putting Ads on Rockets

Image Credit: Composite Pixabay / Drydenart

A lot of cyberpunk books and movies imagine a future where corporations control not just Earth, but the stars, too. It does not matter if it is not neutral, if not hallowed ground. The world of self-sufficiency and the world of self-sufficiency No one would, for example, allow Disney to rename the moon 'Disneyworld 2,' even if they paid a huge sum of money to do it, because space is the final frontier, not a roadside billboard.

That does not mean spacecraft are exempt from this breach of common sense and good taste.

According to a recent article in the Washington Post, NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine says, "It's possible for NASA to offset some of its costs by selling its rockets." The question is: Is it possible? The answer is: I do not know, but we want somebody to give us advice on whether it is. "

In addition to naming space equipment (probably something like the "GE Innovation Rocket Booster-2"), Bridenstine has said that it can not be sold in the United States. .

Meanwhile, late-night talk show host Stephen Colbert has re-imagined what the Apollo Moon would have looked like if it had

With SpaceX, a $ 700 quintillion dollar, it seems to be worthless to think private industry forever. Though NASA still needs to make up its mind, it seems the gravitational tug of money is pulling it into the orbit of corporations.

Image credit: Composite from Pixabay / Dryden Art

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