This mysterious "Avengers 4" Wrap Photo has Twitter spinning some wild fan theories about what all this means


Marvel Cinematic Universe is one of the most powerful and successful film franchises of all time. In 10 years, the franchise has collected 20 films that have pushed the brains of fans to a hard test. In light of the fact that the next installment of the massive franchise (untitled) Avengers 4, finished filming, the directors of the film, the Russo brothers shared a new Avengers 4 image that probably concerns the film, and the fans propose new insane theories.

Anthony and Joe Russo, aka the Russo brothers are the directors of both Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers 4, which will be released in 2019. On Friday, October 12, they shared a tweet that simply said "#wrapped", which means that the second covers for the long-awaited movie are over. But what really scared the fans, is the image attached to it. It's a bright blue image, with a rectangular object occupying most of the space. And this object emits an even brighter blue light. Basically, because of the bright light and the blurred half of the photo, you can not know what that is. Of course, this is where the mystery begins.

At first glance, it seems that what already exists in the MCU is close to the Iron Man repellers, weapons on the hands and feet of his suit that launch beams of energy in combat or that propel it and allow it to fly. They are all generated by the arc reactor that is on the chest of his suit (which can also project these beams).

Although this may explain the color and radiant light, this does not explain the rectangle object of the image. But, the fans have it covered. Several Twitter users have taken the picture and reduced the brightness, hoping to see the thing more clearly, because the light is a little distorting this ability.

However, even after reducing the brightness of the image, it does not bring you also much closer to deciphering what it is. Whatever it is, it seems to be an object, and it seems to be metal. It does not seem to be a person, but it also seems that the lower left side is blocked. It goes without saying that something is written there or that there is an image on the object that will reveal something if the fans were allowed to see it.

The Twitter user @Isaac_Wwe_ noted that it could be a clue that the Silver Surfer joins the MCU. He was a main character in the 2005 The four fantastics following, and has alliances with the Avengers in the comics. Another user, @ BlueBoy8000, responded by saying it could be a coffin. Although death is obviously not something to avoid, fans are not ready to see her again. In addition, with the theories that Tony Stark or Steve Rogers might come out of the franchise, death and coffins are the latest something fans need.

Another fan, @ Angel97218967, commented that it looked like the machine used to create Vision back in Avengers: the era of Ultron. Can reliving Vision be something that Tony Stark and Bruce Banner see as a plan to defeat Thanos once and for all?

At the end of the day, no one other than the Russos and the actors knows what it is and what it can mean for the next Avengers movie. Because they finished filming on Friday, the Russo brothers recently told Deadline that post-production was underway. "We have been working on editing all summer and we are thrilled to finally have these pieces missing in the film.We hope to be able to be in post throughout the fall and fall. winter, "they said. "We hope to have finished by March."

With a current release date, May 3, 2019, all this is really exciting for fans, whatever the clues retained by this mysterious image. Plus, the trailer should be around the corner too, right, Russos? Right?

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