This new documentary about NASA is a must for any lover of outer space


Sixty years ago, the creation of NASA – the National Aeronautics and Space Administration – launched humanity into space. President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed the agency and President John F. Kennedy set the moon on fire. Today, six decades later, NASA celebrates its anniversary in many ways, including one through documentary. Beyond and Beyond: NASA's Journey to Tomorrow. Directed, produced and narrated by JFK's niece, Rory Kennedy, the doc reaches giant screens for a special two-day event this fall that any lover of space and science should be sure to catch.

A special theatrical projection of the film will be broadcast on September 29 and October 3, 2018 in cinemas across the country. On October 13, the film will be on Discovery, but seeing this document, with images of rocket launchings, the space walks, Hubble's high-definition images and our rotating planet on the big screen are certainly more. (Tickets are available now.) Beyond and beyond traces the history of NASA for 60 years and tells how the US space agency has influenced the main aspects of our country and our planet. As Kennedy says in the film, the race for space was "More than beating the Soviet Union, more than just planting the flag, it was a question of discovery". In examining its role in international relations, science and the environment, the doc shows where NASA is, but also where it is heading.


During the Television Critics Association's press tour in January, NASA chief scientist Ellen Stofan, who was working as a consultant on the film, said the document was not just a way to pay homage to the film. history of NASA. "If you look at the next 20 to 30 years, everything we've done so far will look really small," Deadline reported. "We are about to go to Mars to look for a potential life and on the moons of Saturn.We are getting ready to send humans to the moon and Mars, so fasten your belts."

For Kennedy, who was nominated for an Oscar for his documentary Last days in Vietnam, the film is also a way to preserve the legacy of his family. "It's exciting to me that the public is watching this film on the big screen, to show the images that NASA has captured over the last 60 years," said Kennedy in a statement, adding that his uncle "had the foresight to see The importance of NASA and its work Over the years, the agency has changed not only our vision of the universe, but of our planet and of ourselves. "


But even though NASA continues to explore beyond the confines of our solar system, into galaxies beyond our Milky Way and into vast expanses of space, the main focus of the NASA is on the world. organization has always been to better understand our planet. As the film shows, when Apollo 8 astronaut Bill Anders took the now famous "Earthrise" photo, he said, "We've come all the way to explore the moon. doc, issues such as climate change and the potential instability of the Earth are important for NASA to consider and provide expertise.

"In making this film, it was obvious to me that in their efforts to take an interest in space, they were more and more grateful for the planet Earth and the preciousness of the planet," Kennedy said. at the TCA. "NASA has a renewed sense and meaning, there is a sense that this planet we live on is so unique and so precious and vulnerable, and we humans are contributing to a very worrying trajectory. essential role to help us understand this. "

As climate change becomes inevitable, NASA's role in the future of humanity is more important than ever. That we stop the warming of our planet by a great discovery or that the progress of NASA help us to migrate to other worlds, Beyond and beyond shows that space exploration will be the key to our survival.

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