This part of the Game of Thrones Finale series Made Harington Cry Kit


There was tears when the Game of Thrones team and his team got together to start the last season's work, as could be expected. Harington Kit, the man behind Jon Snow, the crying came over once.

In a new cover story in Weekly entertainmentHarington revealed that he had not read the scripts before reading the table, and then began to cry with the actors and the team gathered to read the table of the final season of the show. Tears came twice that day, once while reading an episode and the second set of sobs came for a very specific reason.

"The second time was the end," Harington told EW, referring to the last page of the episode six script. "Each season, you read at the end of the last script" End of Season 1 "or" End of Season 2. "This reading" End of Game of thrones. & # 39; "

Few things were revealed about the upcoming final trip to Westeros, aside from the fact that Winterfell's set is now huge and that there were characters in the series finale that surprised the reporter. And of course, there is a big battle involving all kinds of characters who have never met before. It took weeks to film. It's the last season of Game of thronesDid you expect something less?

"Having the biggest battle does not seem very exciting – it seems rather boring", co-creator of the series David Benioff I said. "Part of our challenge, and really,[director[director[réalisateur[directorMiguel Sapochnikof]The challenge is how to stay convincing … we've been committed to it from the beginning, it's life against the dead, and you can not do it in a 12-minute sequence. "

For teasing more vague on the final seasons (the casting is sworn to secrecy), go here.

Game of thrones returns to HBO in the course of 2019.

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