This photo of Jack Dorsey and Alex Jones is a funny and iconic image


It was a day that will remain in the history books of technology, as much for its potential importance as for its extreme quirk.

Last Wednesday, the business worlds of Silicon Valley, partisan politics, conspiracy theorists, and absurd theater turned into a magnificent show, when Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey visited Washington DC

In the morning, Dorsey joins the director of operations of Facebook, Sheryl Sandberg, in the Senate to answer questions about the foreign manipulation of social networks. At an afternoon hearing in the House, Dorsey took the lead on his own to respond to allegations of anti-conservative bias by social media companies – an idea that is increasingly spread by Republicans, including President Trump.

Protesters screamed, Dorsey's noisy heart and several fugitives from Alex Jones, the famous conspiracy theorist, who seemed delighted to hunt down various prey in the Capitol, emerging, resembling ghouls in various corners.

Surprisingly, a photographer was able to get an image that captures all of this, and more.

This photo was taken by Mr. Scott Mahaskey of Politico during a break in the hearings and posted on Twitter.

The detail and the tension of the photo are reminiscent of a canvas of one of the great masters; a Velasquez or perhaps Hieronimus Bosch. The more you look at the picture, the more you find.

We will take a look:

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