This photo of Justin Bieber & Hailey Baldwin may have revealed his ridiculously sweet nickname for her


Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin may or may not have married in September, depending on the validity of some reports powered by TMZ sources and People which arose at the time. But regardless of their nuptial status, Justin Bieber's latest Instagram photo with Hailey Baldwin – which he shared with the social platform Friday night on November 9 – makes it clear that these two people are: very many in love. And, to some extent, at least, it seems that they are proud enough to share their love with those who love the Internet. Mushy, pet friendly names, and everything.

"Hunny buns punkin," wrote Bieber, apparently addressing Baldwin (ie his "hunny buns punkin", apparently) in the legend of the new GI station. And, for those who already have wide eyes on Bieber's quite sweet nickname for his lady: you may want to keep those inevitable cries of worship for another minute. Because, if you think the legend of the article is worth fainting, wait until you see the snapshot that accompanies it. The seemingly candid – here is hoping! – A black and white photo sees Bieber and Baldwin kissing, while his arms are tightly tied to his man's neck.

Everyone still breathing there? (Also, can anyone imagine the so-called tattoo of Bieber's eyebrows intended to honor his fiancée? Or is it his "wife" now?) – most of the photos posted on the IG's account musician since the birth of his little sister, mid-August. That does not seem to be a coincidence, especially since Bieber's last photo with Baldwin (before this last photo, of course) was shared on the platform on August 24, about 24 hours ago.

Interestingly enough, the Friday night photo actually marks the highly anticipated return of the couple to Instagram (as couplethat is to say) after what has been a hiatus of several months largely unexplained. A pretty striking contrast to Baldwin and Bieber's summer-loving summer – as the two halves of the couple tell via social media, as a result of their engagement in July – the last two months have seen considerably less than Baldwin-Bieber PDA float around the social platform.

That said, it does not seem that the choice of the two men not to talk about their relationship with IG is indicative of the stability or strength of the relationship between Baldwin and Bieber. Judging by the couple's new flattering photo (not to mention this ridiculously sweet legend, come on), it seems pretty obvious that their flash romance continues to be strong. It could have something to do with the wedding rumors that hit the headlines in September. The first of which, from TMZ, claims that Baldwin and Bieber obtained a marriage license. The second, from People, said that the couple had already been secretly married in a courthouse on September 13th.

Neither Baldwin nor Bieber have publicly commented on these wedding rumors, although Baldwin reportedly tweeted that she "is not yet married," in response to the September news, before then deleting tweet. So, although it seems that the jury still has trouble understanding the whole question "Justin and Hailey got married", at least the fans have another picture of Bieber-Baldwin to look at meanwhile.

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