This picture of a father breastfeeding his newborn is a lesson of shared responsibility | aptitude


Maxamillian Neubauer, a new Wisconsin dad, shared a post with photos of himself feeding his newborn daughter with a makeshift nursing system, The Bump reported. In the post, Neubauer explains that his wife Avril was unable to breastfeed their baby immediately after delivery because of complications with her cesarean section.

It is then that a registered nurse, Cybil Martin-Dennehy, suggested trying the additional care method. "This super-radiant nurse made an epic offer of a killer, and I had the chance to bang on a dummy sucker nipple," "Being the first to breastfeed a baby !!!!" writes Neubauer in his post.

Since then, his position has been widely shared by people commending him for assuming a very important responsibility for breastfeeding and for providing skin-to-skin comfort. Research has shown that when a newborn is breastfed immediately after birth, she gets colostrum, the first form of super nutritious milk that provides many antibodies to the baby. Neubauer used a dummy pacifier to help his daughter suck and get milk. The extra breastfeeding system is usually an option for mothers who are struggling to breastfeed.

The supplementary breastfeeding system is a feeding tube for breastfeeding. It allows a parent to be able to feel and share the proximity of his baby while offering the benefits of skin-to-skin contact. It is used to increase lactation, induce lactation, for babies with special needs, for premature babies and for mothers with low milk intake.

This is an important lesson for fathers to assume a greater role right after childbirth. Most of the time, mothers tend to feel the most pressure because the demands of a newborn who is constantly feeding can reach them and also lead to postpartum blues. But when a father can take responsibility for feeding a newborn baby under special conditions, he can offer some relief to the mother. More power to such amazing fathers.

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