This Pulp Fiction-Brett Kavanaugh mashup is the perfect ending of a horrible week


I do not know about you, but for me, this week was bad. It was really bad! Really, there is nothing like working on the Internet, covering information on the Internet, while the Internet insists on reminding you, every minute of your day, how excited the leaders of your country are. Boy, it's bad!

Ironically, this miserable fact is also the way the best memes are born. The best quality online memos currently available – just like traditional offline comedians – do two things exceptionally well:

  1. They have a deep awareness of pop culture and
  2. They know how to completely distract you from Hellmouth's absurdity that public life has become, or they know exactly how to make Hellmouth's content more bearable by using this pop cultural knowledge.

And that's what the person behind Elara Pictures' Instagram account did when she crushed the Supreme Court candidate and the alleged rapist Brett Kavanaugh's rapist attempt at the confirmation hearing with the famous Big Scene Kahuna Burger's pulp Fiction, in which the character of Samuel L. Jackson, Jules Winnfield, demolishes masterfully a man named Brett. Please watch for your health:

The video is quickly multiplied since its download this morning. D & # 39; Elara – who, made fun, is also the studio behind the movie 2017 brothers Robert Pattinson / Safdie Good time – it has spread to Twitter user @heyitschili, who downloaded the clip without comment (or attribution, first). @ Heyitschili's publication has now been retweeted 64,000 times and has favored 141,000 times in six hours since its publication. Snoop Dogg also participated in the republishing action; his Instagram video has been viewed 1.2 million times from this ad.

I would have maybe a little smothered by watching this! His virality is a testament to the couple's perfection – and how much we all needed to watch Samuel L. Jackson humiliate the powerful white men behind this circus. Let yourself be carried on the weekend, friends. You deserve it.

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