This recap of season 2 of "Daredevil" will help you follow season 3 because the Marvel universe can be confusing


As an original Marvel Netflix series, Daredevil has the most history to remember. Season 3 starts on October 19 and with over two and a half years between seasons 2 and 3, you may desperately need a Daredevil Summary of Season 2. Sure, Iron fist Season 1 and The defenders covered Hand's story that was introduced in season 2 of 2016. But you should still go back to Matt Murdock's OG series to figure out where he is mentally in season 3.

Season 1 established Matt's friendships with Foggy Nelson and Karen Page, his Catholic religion, his main enemy, the main enemy and his high senses that make him the superhero he is. But in season 2, Matt's relationship with Foggy and Karen was tense by the introduction of a person from his past, Elektra Natchios. The presence of Elektra is what has involved Matt in the Hand. In addition to the old evil organization, Matt also had to fight the Punisher. Punisher Frank Castle was a violent activist who did not share the same point of view as Matt regarding the sending of criminals.

While Daredevil is currently presumed dead, Season 3 will come back a bit to the point with Matt, Foggy and Karen Kingpin fighter. So before you start the next installment, here is what happened in Season 2.

The punisher catches Daredevil's attention

Patrick Harbron / Netflix

Even though Matt does not love gangs in New York, he worries when he learns that an "army" kills criminals. The only survivor of an attack on the Irish mob, Grotto, is seeking help from Nelson and Murdock. Matt discovers that it's just a man who dismantled these criminal organizations – "the Punisher". When Daredevil meets him for the first time, the Punisher shoots him in the head. (This brings Matt to get a new and improved combination of Melvin Potter.)

Later, the Punisher takes Daredevil hostage and places him in a moral dilemma that sheds light on their differing philosophies of vigilance. If Daredevil does not kill the punisher or the cave, Castle kills the cave anyway. Matt tries to save the Irish gangster, but the Punisher ends up murdering him despite Matt's efforts.

Karen discovers the truth about Frank's castle

Myles Aronowitz / Netflix

Karen begins to investigate the Punisher and, thanks to Assistant District Attorney Blake Tower, learns that he is Frank Castle. She realizes that Attorney General Samantha Reyes is hiding the truth about Castle. The former Marine was at a carousel in Central Park with his wife and two children when gang members indulged in a shootout that killed his entire family and left him with a bullet in his head .

This gang encounter was actually an operation orchestrated by Reyes to bring down the drug dealer known as the blacksmith. She did not clear the area of ​​civilians and when she headed south, she concealed the truth about Castle's family. The "Central Park Massacre" explains why the Punisher targets Mafia members and why Foggy and Karen want to bring down the corrupted Kings.

Elektra enters again into Matt's life

Patrick Harbron / Netflix

Although Matt and Karen have a romantic relationship at the start of the season, it stops abruptly once Elektra is back in Matt's life. Matt's college girlfriend is asking her for help to explore Yakuza – the Japanese crime syndicate that has been saddening Daredevil in season 1. She thinks they're preparing something of huge (and that she's 100% right), so Matt agrees to help.

Although they still like it, Elektra's presence is not always good for Matt as she is more ruthless than he is and she handles it as she did it before. But Matt is also responsible for making Elektra and his dangerous projects a priority and lying to his friends.

Frank Castle is arrested and tried

Patrick Harbron / Netflix

After vengeful Irish criminals tortured Castle, Daredevil helped him escape but then handed him over to Sergeant Brett Mahoney. During his trial, Nelson and Murdock represent Castle since Reyes intends to launch the book to the Punisher, as it still covers his tracks. Elektra hurts their cause by torturing the medical examiner before testifying that he had falsified the death certificates of Castle's family under Reyes' orders.

Foggy takes the lead in the Castle case after an argument with Matt about Elektra. Foggy seems to tip the jury in favor of Castle, thanks to the testimony of his Marine Commander, Colonel Ray Schoonover. However, when Matt claims that Castle does not know the right from evil, Castle recognizes his guilt and shows no remorse when he is at the bar. He was sent to prison.

Stick Returns & Set Up & # 39; Defenders & # 39;

Patrick Harbron / Netflix

While they follow Yakuza, Matt and Elektra discover an abandoned construction site with a giant hole in the ground. (It's Midland Circle for The defenders fans.) They are attacked and the old mentor Stick de Matt saves them. Stick reveals that Elektra has always worked for him and is part of the Chaste organization. He explains that the Yakuza is a front for the old evil group, the Hand against which the Chaste is at war. The Hand has found the secret of immortality and Matt agrees to help fight them only if Elektra breaks his ties with Stick.

Kingpin Rules In Prison

Patrick Harbron / Netflix

Wilson Fisk, the main villain of season 1, is in jail for season 2. But Kingpin still has his relationship. It gives Castle the opportunity to kill another prisoner suspected of being involved in the murder of his family. Fisk betrays Castle, resulting in a bloody fight in a prison where Castle is the winner. Kingpin then realizes the value of Castle and helps him escape from prison.

Reyes is killed

David Giesbrecht / Netflix

While Castle is out of jail, Reyes thinks he can target his daughter. She calls Matt, Foggy and Karen in her office, where she acknowledges her guilt for having concealed the truth about Castle's family because of her operation. But a gunman on the outside kills Reyes while Blake, Matt, Foggy and Karen survive. It seems that Castle is behind the murder, but Karen wants to prove that it was not him who started his career as a junior journalist with Mitchell Ellison at the time. New York Bulletin. When Karen goes to her apartment, Castle saves her the same fate as Reyes, proving her innocence.

The experiences of the hand are exposed

David Giesbrecht / Netflix

While Stick tells Matt that the Hand has the key to immortality, he does not believe it until he discovers that Nobu Yoshioka is still alive. Daredevil also discovers that children are being used for an experiment where their blood is drained into an old grave. He sends these children to Claire Temple, in the hospital, so that she can take care of them. Except that the Hand attacks the hospital and that the children seem possessed since they gladly leave with the ninjas of the Hand. When the hospital covers the incident, Claire stops.

The identity of the blacksmith is revealed

Patrick Harbron / Netflix

Castle learned in prison that the blacksmith was the one who organized the organization of drug trafficking in Central Park, which had led to the death of his family. Karen discovers that the blacksmith has always been Ray Schoonover. While Castle was keen to reveal the blacksmith's identity, it was Schoonover who shot Reyes and Karen. When Karen questions Schoonover, he tries to kill her, but Castle saves her. Despite Karen's protests, Castle kills the blacksmith, trying to avenge his family but reinforcing his status as a punisher. Castle is also presumed dead by the authorities, which allows him to play in his own series.

Elektra dies – maybe

Patrick Harbron / Netflix

Elektra had killed a young assassin in his hand, which angered Matt and ordered him to leave. She had planned to leave New York, but Stick had sent another assassin to kill her at the airport. She returns to kill Stick, but Matt stops them just before Stick is removed by the hand. Even though they just disagreed, Matt convinces Elektra to go save Stick. The Hand tells Elektra that she is their weapon, the Black Sky, but that she chooses to save Stick instead of joining forces.

Still, the hand is kidnapping important people for Matt, including Karen. Daredevil and Elektra must face them again. In the fight, Elektra sacrifices himself to save Matt and he defeats the Hand with the help of the Punisher. Matt goes to Elektra's grave, but at the very end of the season, she is resuscitated by the Main, which is played in The defenders.

The gang divides the means

Patrick Harbron / Netflix

After Nelson and Murdock, Foggy's ex-girlfriend, Marci, assigns him a position in Jerri Hogarth's office. Meanwhile, Karen becomes a journalist at New York Bulletin. Matt devastated is left aimless, but he confesses to Karen that he is Daredevil before the end of the season.

Matt and the gang have closed the chapter Hand of history in The defenders. And even though Karen and Foggy think he's dead, Daredevil will be going back to his friend's house to fight the bad guys from Hell's Kitchen during Season 3.

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