This rectangular iceberg spotted by NASA is real


The survey, named Operation IceBridge, is designed to monitor changes in ice levels over several Antarctic glaciers.

It was during one of these regular surveillance flights that the lead scientist, Jeremy Harbeck, spotted an unusually angular iceberg floating just off the Larsen ice floe.

"I often see icebergs with relatively straight edges, but I've never seen them before with two angles as straight as this one," Harbeck said in a statement.

The image, shared on NASA's social network account, sparked questions as to whether it was a natural event.

Jan Lieser, a marine glaciologist at the Center for Cooperative Research on Climate and Ecosystems of Antarctica, said it was not unusual to see straight lines and sharp angles on the ice sheets.

"It's a natural phenomenon, it's beautiful, but nothing extraordinary … I've seen a lot of icebergs around Antarctica that have sides." very straight, very long, "he said.

Lieser said the straight lines are due to the structure of the snow crystals, the way they separate and react to the stresses.

"Nobody runs with a chainsaw and cuts it … Nature sometimes adopts right angles," he said.

In his statement to NASA, Harbeck said that he was more interested in capturing the giant iceberg A68, the size of the US state of Delaware, which separated from the ice floe Larson C in 2017.

"We were about to fly over but we thought it was visually interesting and quite photogenic, so on a lark, I just took some pictures," Harbeck said.

Image taken during a flight of Operation IceBridge over the northern Antarctic Peninsula on October 16, 2018.

"The sharp angles and flat surface of the iceberg indicate that he was probably recently calved from the pack ice."

Scientists have repeatedly warned that world pack ice could disappear completely as the effects of climate change are felt. Even some of the oldest ice in the Arctic has begun to melt.

This deployment of IceBridge is expected to be completed by November 18, according to NASA.

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