This Red Sox fan was hit in the face with a can of beer launched during the parade


Overall, Eilis O'Neil said that Wednesday was an excellent day.

However, O'Neil wishes to have the chance to see his favorite Red Sox player, Andrew Benintendi. She did not – largely thanks to a flying Bud Light, one of the many that was thrown, often aimlessly, by the fans against Red Sox as the duck boats passed through Boston at the World Victory Parade Series.

O'Neil, a 17-year-old girl from Windham High School in New Hampshire, said she was standing in front of 7-Eleven, at the corner of Tremont and Park Streets, around 12:15 pm when the duck boat with Benintendi arrived. She remembers seeing Brock Holt, who noticed his Benintendi sign and lifted it. Then she remembers "a lot of blood" and a Bud Light unopened at her feet.

"At first I did not feel anything," she said.

The can of beer thrown by a fan across the street had apparently passed the intended target, flying over the duck, hitting O'Neil at the lip and jaw and leaving a nasty hack. A friend who was with her even seized the moment in video.

O'Neil said her friend had caught the eye of a nearby policeman and that the Boston Emergency Medical Services had stopped the parade to allow her to cross the street and treat the wound at their Boston Common station . After a call to the hospital, they determined that she would not need stitches.

"They told me how lucky I was not to lose teeth and not bite my lips," said O'Neil. "My guardian angel was apparently watching me."

Fortunately in one sense at least.

Although the injury was not so bad, O'Neil says, she still has a bruised, swollen lip, with an extra cut below.

"The pain is much worse today, but nothing I did not expect," she said Thursday.

This physical pain was compounded by the disappointment of having lost Benintendi and the rest of the parade while she was receiving medical attention.

The preponderance of beers thrown at the players – whether they are looking for them or not – has become more than a secondary article Wednesday, after the opening, Red Sox manager Alex Cora and his daughter and a another beer filled have damaged the World Series trophy. the team had won three days earlier. A fan was arrested for throwing a beer on Cora and at least one other would have needed medical attention after being hit in the nose by a Tremont Street can.

Erin Curran Serino, assistant chief of staff at Boston EMS, said the ministry had carried 12 parade people to local hospitals with minor injuries or illnesses, but could not disclose the nature or cause of the injuries caused by the injuries. legislation on the privacy of patients.

Boston police reminded participants that public consumption of alcohol was still illegal, but conceded Thursday that she could not do anything to effectively fight widespread consumption and beer throwing in a crowd too numerous. The Boston Police Commission, William Gross, thanked "the vast majority of supporters" during the parade for celebrating "in a respectful and responsible manner". Six arrests were made during the parade, including three for drinking or throwing alcohol.

"I understand that they won and everything, but it's completely ridiculous," said O'Neil about the beer launch.

O Neil said that she does not know who threw the can or what happened to them, but would like to know that she could "show them what they caused." That being said, the Red Sox's hardcore fan is at least happy that Holt saw her and her sign.

"It was the best day of all time," said O'Neil, "despite the fact that she was hit and almost missed the show."

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