This robot can jump on the stairs and on the newspapers


  • The robotics company Boston Dynamics has released a video of one of its robots doing parkour.
  • The humanoid-looking Atlas robot jumps over a newspaper and climbs a series of platforms.
  • Boston Dynamics is famous for creating robots whose movements are very similar to humans and animals.

Boston Dynamics, the robotics company that belonged to Google, continues to give new capabilities to its humanoid robots.

They can open doors, go jogging outside and even withstand the manipulations of human engineers. Now these same engineers have given one of their robots the opportunity to go parkour.

Atlas is the humanoid robot of Boston Dynamics, which you may have already seen doing a backflip.

In a video released Thursday by Boston Dynamics, Atlas turns and jumps over a newspaper (it does not matter, we've seen it before), before jumping quickly from a series of platforms.

Look at Atlas do parkour here:

In the past, Boston Dynamics caused a sensation by creating robots that mimic human or animal movement, such as its dog-like robots that inspired an episode of "Black Mirror". Spot is designed for indoor and outdoor use and has been the breeding ground for a new approach to dynamic robot control that delivers true self-sufficiency at your fingertips.

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