This rumor run by Hillary Clinton in 2020 has people really divided on how they feel


The cycle of the 2016 presidential elections lasted a very long time, and two years later, its details are still analyzed by academics and citizens. A columnist of the New York Post however thinks that there is reason to believe that the 2020 election could be so similar to that of 2016 that it could represent exactly the same candidates, again. This weekend, writer Michael Goodwin argued that he thought there was a chance for Hillary Clinton to re-represent himself in 2020, highlighting what he describes as urgent and frequent e-mails sent by organizations associated with Clinton.

In the Post over the weekend, Goodwin invokes four key points to argue his point: there is currently no other clear Democrat opponent against Trump, the number other Democratic candidates could help consolidate Clinton's support. , she could potentially beat many Democrat contenders in their own state, and she would probably bring in a lot of money to take Trump 's reelection. "

" Hillary Clinton is up to something, "writes Goodwin.Previously, Clinton has firmly denied having the intention of running for president again, let alone in a match against the president. man who beat her a few years ago.

"No, I'm not going to run again," she said on "Woman's Hour" from BBC Radio 4 in October 2017.

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"I am trying to argue what we need to do so that what happened during my election will not happen again more, "she said at the time. "But I will also raise money and support for the candidates and causes I believe in. And I will support the Democratic Party in the elections this year, next year and 2020".

Trump, for his part, seemed enthusiastic about another potential showdown with his rival . "I was recently asked if Crooked Hillary Clinton would run in 2020?" Trump tweeted on October 16th. "My answer was, I hope!"

The president is not the only member of his family to show interest in revenge, either. After Goodwin's column was published, Donald Trump Jr. shared the piece on Twitter writing, "PLEASE SIT PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, "accompanied by several hands emojis pray.

As for the rest of Twitter, the reactions to the discussion were mixed. "I really feel as if we are heading towards this path Trump will win 2020," wrote a user.

"That's just for the show and for something to tell," said another user. "There is no chance that she will run in 2020. For Democrats, she is the face of the past."

Trump supporters and opponents said that they thought a new 2016 presidential election would result in another victory for Trump. "It does not matter", wrote a user . "She would not win the Democratic primary, she would have set up Jeb-type numbers! If she were lucky," they said, referring to Jeb Bush's failed primary offer in 2016. [19659012] Kevin Hagen / Getty Images News / Getty Images

If Clinton were to make another bid for the highest elected political office in the United States, there are chances that, as was the case last time, Once, his intentions would remain locked until his side is ready to make a very public announcement. Last time, this came across a moving video, in which Clinton said that "Americans need a champion" and that she wanted to "be that champion."

For most of the campaign, Clinton was promoted in the vote at once. When she lost, many political commentators were stunned by the result. The analysis of his loss has continued for a year and a half.

It is still too early to know who, exactly, will challenge Trump in 2020, but people around the world will remain on their seats until this person is revealed.

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