This simulation of artificial intelligence inspired by HAL 9000 leaves his virtual astronauts alive


This simulation of artificial intelligence inspired by HAL 9000 leaves his virtual astronauts alive

A murderous computer named HAL in the movie "2001: An Odyssey of Space" (1968).

Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures

The HAL 9000 supercomputer of the science fiction masterpiece "2001: The Space Odyssey" is known for the frightening way with which it killed astronauts. Now scientists are working on a HAL artificial intelligence to help astronauts without murder. Their prototype successfully controlled a simulated planetary base for hours.

In "2001: The Odyssey of Space", HAL 9000 is the artificial intelligence controlling the nuclear-powered Discovery One spacecraft. In the science fiction legend novel Arthur C. Clarke writes next to the film, HAL is described as able to talk to astronauts "in the perfect idiomatic English that he had learned during the fleeting weeks of his childhood electronic".

Pete Bonasso, an Artificial Intelligence Researcher at TRACLabs Inc. in Webster, Texas, first saw "2001: A Space Odyssey" in his final year at West Point, where he programmed the only Academy computer to play a virtual version of the pool. [Best Space Movies in the Universe]

"When I saw the year 2001, I knew that I had to turn the computer into another being, a being like HAL 9000," he said in a study published online. today (November 21) in the journal Science Robotics.

The artificial intelligence software designed by Bonasso and his colleagues, dubbed "Cognitive Architecture of Space Agents", is composed of three key layers. The first is a continuous-operation control layer that connects to and performs hardware such as hands and robotic eyes. Specifically, CASE controls a simulation of a planetary basis.

The second layer performs the procedures underlying routine activities. These include powering the batteries, controlling oxygen generation and carbon dioxide removal systems, and loading and sending robots to collect planetary rock samples.

The last layer is an automatic scheduling software that determines how to achieve the goals programmed by CASE for the day and the order in which they are to be performed. It can also automatically reprogram activities in the event of problems, such as gas leaks, broken engines or planetary dust storms, Bonasso said.

The three layers are linked to an ontology server, a comprehensive and rigorous database that allows reasoning his data. For example, if someone moves a toolbox from the trunk to the equipment to crew quarters, the ontology server explains that all the tools in the box will also change. location, the researchers said.

The software can visually display information such as those concerning the maintenance of life and the state of the robot, but it can also converse with people so that they can ask questions, send commands and be warned any imminent problem. In order to prevent a situation such as the one where HAL betrays its astronauts, CASE is designed to execute plans only after sharing them with people and getting consent to the action.

"Our colleagues and our NASA counterparts are not afraid that our HAL will go out of control," Bonasso told "It's because he can not do anything for which he is not programmed."

In experiments, CASE managed a simulated global database for about 4 hours. However, researchers pointed out that more work is needed before a real base can be managed.

In addition, "if CASE is impressive, this is not the fully realized HAL of" 2001: a space odyssey ", nor is the lieutenant commander of data from" Star Trek: the next generation "" said Bonasso. "His abilities are very narrow and focused on events unfolding on a planetary basis.Even though he can maintain the functioning of the survival systems, he has no idea of ​​the winner of the last presidential election."

Scientists are now working with what NASA calls analogues – places where volunteers claim to live in a distant world. In the long run, the goal is to integrate CASE into analogues to determine how the software can help improve future space expeditions.

Sometimes Bonasso forgets how this work aims to create a real version of HAL for distant astronauts.

"When you are immersed in the workings of a software program, you sometimes forget that you really imagine what it would be like to live on Mars or on the Moon," said Bonasso. "Sometimes we have to step back and say," Hey! It's pretty cool. "

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