This tiny infertility device could begin to change the lives of couples


A new device the size of a 5p piece could be the next step in infertility treatments around the world. The difficulty of conceiving is a problem in Britain. according to Daily mailone in six couples struggle to have a child and treatment is often long and arduous.

For people who have trouble conceiving naturally, the treatment may seem hopeless and embarrassing. This device, developed by Southampton's fertility specialists, could help them design without the cost, frustration and time needed to undergo IVF. IVF is often expensive and 32% of the tests are inconclusive.

This small sensor could allow couples to skip this aspect of fertility treatment so they can start life earlier. By monitoring the pH, oxygen levels, and temperature in the mother's womb, it can help identify problems. Previously, fertility doctors had no reliable way to monitor these changes in the female body.

The device is administered as a contraceptive coil and transmits the data to a wireless transmitter worn on the underwear. From there, information can be sent to a computer or smartphone. After a week of data collection, fertility doctors can learn from the gadget discoveries and make a more precise and accurate treatment plan.

woman in consultation with a doctor

By monitoring changes in the uterus, the device can help fertility doctors identify problems.

Olena Yakobchuk



According to Professor Ying Cheong, a specialist in reproductive issues, this is a big step in the right direction.

"Currently, fertility tests take time and some couples may not be diagnosed for their problems immediately," they explained. Independent. "We want to reach the stage where we know what a healthy environment looks like for the uterus and to make measurement levels in the uterus as simple as taking blood pressure."

From there, the solution could be as simple as probiotics or a dose of aspirin.

"If the pH levels are not in the right range, there may be something wrong with the microbiome, the bacteria in the intestine. It could be as simple as treating it with probiotics. For oxygen levels or temperature, a vasodilator or aspirin, which increases blood flow, could be an effective option.

Although the device is not ready for use yet, this is good news for those who have trouble conceiving. If things turned out well, it could make fertility treatments faster and more efficient, saving money and improving the lives of couples around the world.

"The most exciting part is coming. If we can prove that this device works, that it is comfortable and safe, it can continue to make big changes in health care. "

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