This Tristan Thompson & True video on Snapchat is too cute to handle


A day after Khloe Kardashian spoke for the first time of her decision to stay together, Tristan Thompson posted a loving Snapchat video with True, their little girl. In the selfie recording, the 27-year-old father peppered his 2-month-old daughter with kisses.

"True Baby! True Baby! Daddy likes you!", Sings it in Snapchat's video to his little girl.

The show of pleasure comes over two months after Thompson would have been cheating on 33-year-old Kardashian during her pregnancy. Snapchat's video is Thompson's second message on social media in a week, following an Instagram photo of the football player with True and his 18-month-old son, Prince, who comes from a previous relationship.

After the Kardashian announcement, fans criticized his decision to stay with Thompson. Kardashian, with his usual enthusiasm, did not support it. "You have no knowledge of what is happening in our home or the huge reconstruction that it takes to coexist even," wrote Kardashian to a Twitter fan who was "disappointed" with his decision to stay in touch with Thompson. "I am proud of my strength, I appreciate your opinion and hope you will keep this same opinion for all those who have stayed in situations."

True was born in Cleveland on April 12, according to Weekly, A few days after the release of the pictures, Thompson seemed "to be too close to other women". Bustle reached out to the Kardashian representatives and the Thompson agent to comment on these reports. Yet both seem to be in a relationship, as Weekly Us source said the two are "completely back together" even though they are grappling with the consequences of the scandal.

Tristan loves to be a father.Now that the season is over, he has been able to be more active taking care of True.Tristan is standing up late at night, feeding the baby, helping him to sleep, spinning him, and he also likes to play with it, "a source close to the NBA player told Hollywood Life.

Kardashian is eager to dispel a recent report on a tense dinner she's had recently with Thompson. She seemed to be speaking to the press, saying that they "would invent just about anything" and that she had "a good night", revealing that she was "in the dark". she was at a birthday dinner for friends. She explains what could have appeared as unenthusiastic behavior by pointing out that "as a new mother, IM [sic] TIRED AF "and that being" after 10pm is not where I will have the most energy these days. "

Thompson and Kardashian met when a mutual friend, Brandon Jennings, the Milwaukee Bucks leader, placed them on a blind date. This story of the relationship was revealed in the The amazing Kardashian family 10th anniversary special. The two were linked for the first time in the summer of 2016 after paparazzi had seen them partying together and visiting a mansion in Beverly Hills. The couple then began taking a vacation together, and on December 20, 2017, Kardashian announced that she was pregnant.

"My biggest dream is realized: we have a baby, I was waiting and wondering but God had a plan from the beginning, he knew what he was doing, I just had to make him trust and be patient, "Kardashian had written to him. Followers of Instagram. "I still can not believe that our love has created Tristan's life, thank you for loving me the way you do it! Thank you for treating me like a queen! Thank you for making me feel beautiful at all stages! "

"Tristan, especially, thank you for making me a MOM !!! You have made this experience even more magical than I imagined! I will never forget how wonderful you have been for me during this time! making me so happy my love! Kardashian ended in his legend.

Whatever the challenges ahead, fans root for Kardashian and the strength she relies on to help her through this period.

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