This video on Obama's midterm elections will leave you with no excuse for not voting


There are only a few weeks left before the mid-term and the election fever is strong. In the run-up to polling day, many urged people to exercise their right to vote, including former President Barack Obama, whose new video on the mid-term elections describes seven excuses invoked for not having voted.

The exclusive video of Attn: is for millennia. "OK, is there any kind of introduction or we are diving, then you go -", asks Obama, then stops. Then, the former president jokes briefly about Pokémon and its popularity among young people when it discusses the first excuse not to vote: "I do not care about politics".

Obama replies, "Look, I do not care about Pokémon, but that does not mean it will not come back, it's actually what the people in power are betting on: you're going to check, you've won "And vote. And when you withdraw, that's what allows others to fill that void. "

Political apathy, says Obama in the video, gives politicians the power to "do nothing about what you would like the government to do." If you want to stifle this in the bud, Obama says you should "throw a key" in the plan of these politicians by going to vote. "Throw them out," he adds.

Obama then attacks a common complaint among young voters who wonder if it is appropriate to vote if they can not have a connection with the candidates. "Now, it's actually a good question," Obama said. "For too long, politicians have not been representative of America as a whole, but this is changing this year." He says there are more women and LGBTQ candidates running for office, first-time candidates and veterans who smash all the election records this year.

There is an opportunity to change things, says Obama. "This year, more than any other year, you have the opportunity to change the face of politics so that it looks more like yours." Obama then spoke of this moment in April, when Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, had testified before Congress, during which senators had asked him basic questions on the Internet.

"Here's your chance to vote for people who really know what the Internet is," Obama said.

Mark Makela / Getty Images News / Getty Images

Among the other excuses, millennia ago that fear that their vote does not even count in the grand scheme of things. Obama rejects this idea in the video, saying the November general elections "really count." The former president also evokes the excuse that the elections are "boring". Obama rejects this excuse, saying that these elections are sometimes "more important than the race for the presidency".

Then there is the excuse that people do not know enough about a candidate to vote. At this point, a crooked Obama tells his viewers to use Google. For those who say they do not know where to register, Obama advised viewers to go to and sign up.

The seventh excuse he chooses is: "I do not have time to vote." Obama said he understood the potential voting difficulties on Tuesday (Nov. 6), and suggested that voters use a mail ballot. In addition, in 37 states, voters have the opportunity to vote before elections. Day. Obama jokes that it's like going to a concert of Jay-Z and Beyoncé – you know, without the presence of musicians.

"Take friends anyway," says Obama. "Beat the lines because, like most things, voting is more fun when you do it together."

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