This week in space: what you may have missed


Additional evidence of a supermassive black hole in the center of the Milky Way galaxy was discovered. This visualization uses data from orbital motion simulations of gas swirling around 30% of the speed of light in a circular orbit around the black hole.

Does it look like you? This giant shadow comes from a bright star that is reflected on the dusty disk that surrounds it.

Hey, Bennu! NASA's OSIRIS-REx mission, en route to the primitive asteroid Bennu, returns images as its December 3 target approaches.

These three panels reveal a supernova before, during and after its disappearance, 920 million light years from Earth (from left to right). The supernova, nicknamed iPTF14gqr, is unusual because, even though the star was massive, its explosion was fast and weak. The researchers think this is due to a star that siphoned off its mass.

This is an illustration of what the artist would look like a Neptune-sized moon orbiting the giant gas-filled exoplanet Kepler-1625b in a star system at 8000 light-years from Earth . It could be the first exomoon ever discovered.

Illustration of the planet X by an artist, who could shape the orbits of extremely distant objects of the solar system such as 2015 TG387.

It is an artistic concept of the appearance of SIMP J01365663 + 0933473. It has 12.7 times the mass of Jupiter but a magnetic field 200 times more powerful than that of Jupiter. This object is 20 light years from Earth. It's on the dividing line between a planet and a brown dwarf.

The Andromeda galaxy cannibalized and shredded the large M32p galaxy, leaving behind that compact galaxy residue known as the M32. It is completely unique and contains a wealth of young stars.

Twelve new moons were found around Jupiter. This graph shows various groupings of moons and their orbits, new discoveries appearing in bold.

Scientists and observatories around the world have been able to trace a high-energy neutrino in a galaxy with a rapidly rotating supermassive black hole in the center, called a blazar. The galaxy lies to the left of Orion's shoulder in its constellation and lies about 4 billion light-years from Earth.

"Oumuamua, the first interstellar visitor observed in our solar system, is illustrated by an artist illustration.

Planets do not just appear in the air, but they require gases, dust, and other processes that astronomers do not understand perfectly. It's an artist's impression of what the "infantile" planets that form around a young star look like.

These negative images of 2015 BZ509, circled in yellow, show the first known interstellar object that has become a permanent part of our solar system. The exo-asteroid was probably introduced into our solar system by another star system 4.5 billion years ago. He then moved to a retrograde orbit around Jupiter.

A look at the diamond matrix in a meteorite arriving in Sudan in 2008. This is considered the first evidence of a proto-planet having contributed to the formation of the terrestrial planets of our solar system.

2004 EW95 is the first confirmed carbon rich asteroid in the Kuiper Belt and a relic of the primordial solar system. This curious object probably formed in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter before being projected to billions of kilometers from its current home in the Kuiper Belt.

The NASA / ESA Hubble Space Telescope celebrates its 28th anniversary in space with this amazing and colorful image of the lagoon nebula at 4,000 light-years from Earth. Although the nebula has a total length of 55 light-years, this image only reveals one part about four light-years away.

Here's a more star-studded view of the lagoon nebula, using Hubble's infrared capabilities. The reason you can see more stars is because the infrared is able to cut through the clouds of dust and gas to reveal the abundance of two young stars in the nebula , as well as more distant stars in the background.

The Rosette Nebula is 5,000 light-years away from Earth. The distinctive nebula, which some say is more like a skull, has a hole in the center that creates the illusion of its rose-shaped shape.

An illustration illustrates the detection of a repetitive radio source from a mysterious source located 3 billion light-years away from Earth.

KIC 8462852, also known as the Boyajian star or Tabby star, is 1,000 light-years away from us. It's 50% bigger than our sun and 1,000 degrees warmer. And it does not behave like any other star, darkening and lightening sporadically. The dust around the star, represented here in the illustration of an artist, may be the most likely cause of his strange behavior.

This internal slope of a Martian crater has several seasonal dark streaks called "recurring slope lines", which a November 2017 report interprets as granular flows rather than darkening due to the flow of # 39; water. The image comes from the HiRISE camera of NASA Mars reconnaissance orbiter.

The print of the artist shows a supernova explosion containing the brightness of 100 million suns. The Supernova iPTF14hls, which has exploded several times, could be the most massive and most durable ever.

This illustration shows hydrocarbon compounds separating into carbon and hydrogen from giant ice giants, such as Neptune, turning into a "rain of diamonds (rain)".

This striking image is the star nursery of the Orion Nebula, the birthplace of the stars. The red filament is a segment of ammonia molecules measuring 50 light-years in length. Blue represents the gas of the Orion nebula. This image is composed of images of the Robert C. Byrd Green Bank telescope and the NASA Survey Infrared Survey telescope. "We still do not understand in detail how the vast gas clouds of our galaxy collapse to form new stars," said Rachel Friesen, one of the co-principal investigators of the collaboration. "But ammonia is an excellent tracer of dense gas forming stars."

This is what the Earth and its moon look like since March. The image is a composite of the best image of the Earth and the best moon image, taken on November 20, 2016 by NASA's Mars Orbiter Recognition. The camera of the orbiter takes pictures in three bands of wave length: infrared, red and blue-green. Mars was about 127 million kilometers from Earth when the images were taken.

It was originally thought that PGC 1000714 was a common elliptical galaxy, but further analysis revealed the incredibly rare discovery of a Hoag type galaxy. It has a round nucleus surrounded by two detached rings.

NASA's Cassini spacecraft took these images of the mysterious jetstream of the hexagon-shaped planet in December 2016. The hexagon was discovered on images taken by the Space Shuttle Voyager in the early 1980s. It is estimated that it has a diameter wider than two lands.

A dead star emits a greenish glow in this image of the Hubble Space Telescope of the Crab Nebula, located about 6,500 light-years from Earth in the constellation Taurus. NASA released the image for Halloween 2016 and picked up the theme in its press release. The agency said that "the object in the macabre appearance always has a pulse". In the center of the Crab Nebula lies the crushed heart, or "heart" of an exploded star. The heart rotates 30 times per second and produces a magnetic field that generates 1,000 billion volts, said NASA.

Looking through the thick clouds of galactic bulb dust, an international team of astronomers revealed the unusual mixture of stars in the group of stars known as Terzan 5. new findings indicate that Terzan 5 is one of the prime building blocks of the relic of the very first days of the Milky Way.

An artistic conception of Planet Nine, which would be the planet furthest away from our solar system. The orbits of similar clusters of extreme objects on the periphery of our solar system suggest that there is a huge planet there.

Illustration of orbits of extremely distant, new and previously known solar system objects. The grouping of most of their orbits indicates that they are probably influenced by something huge and very distant, the proposed planet X.

Say hello to the dark dragonfly galaxy 44. Like our milky way, it is surrounded by a halo of spherical clusters.

A classic nova occurs when a white dwarf star gains matter from its secondary star (a red dwarf) during a given period, causing a thermonuclear reaction to the surface that eventually fires in a single explosion. visible. This creates a brightness 10,000 times greater, described here in the rendering of an artist.

Gravitational lenses and spatial deformations are visible in this image of near and distant galaxies captured by Hubble.

In the center of our galaxy, the Milky Way, the researchers discovered an X-shaped structure in a group of tight stars.

Meet UGC 1382: What astronomers thought to be a normal elliptical galaxy (left) was actually revealed to be a massive disk galaxy composed of different view parts with ultraviolet and deep optical data (center and right). In a complete reversal of the normal structure of the galaxy, the center is younger than its outer spiral disk.

NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has captured this image of the Crab Nebula and its "beating heart", which is a neutron star to the right of the two bright stars in the center of this image. The neutron star emits pulses 30 times per second. The colors of the rainbow are visible due to the movement of materials in the nebula during the time frame of the image.

The Hubble Space Telescope captured the image of a hidden galaxy paler than Andromeda or the Milky Way. This low-light-gravity galaxy, called UGC 477, is more than 110 million light-years away from the constellation of Pisces.

On April 19, NASA released new images of bright craters on Ceres. This photo shows the Haulani crater, which shows traces of landslides on its periphery. Scientists believe that some craters on the dwarf planet are brilliant because they are relatively new.

This illustration shows the millions of dust particles from NASA's Cassini spacecraft sampled near Saturn. A few dozens of them seem to come from beyond our solar system.

This image from the VLT telescope of the Paranal Observatory of ESO in Chile shows an amazing concentration of galaxies known as the Fornax Cluster, which we can find in the Southern hemisphere. At the center of this cluster, in the middle of the three bright spots on the left side of the image, is a cD galaxy – a galactic cannibal that has grown larger by consuming smaller galaxies.

This image shows the central region of the Tarantula nebula in the great Magellanic cloud. The group of young and dense R136 stars, which contains hundreds of massive stars, is visible in the lower right corner of the image taken by the Hubble Space Telescope.

In March 2016, astronomers published an article on the powerful red flashes from the Cygni V404 binary system in 2015. This illustration shows a black hole, similar to that of V404 Cygni, devouring the materials of a star in orbit.

This image shows the elliptical galaxy NGC 4889, deeply integrated into the cluster of Coma galaxies. There is a gigantic supermassive black hole in the center of the galaxy.

An artist impression of 2MASS J2126, which takes 900 years to orbit around its star, a billion miles away.

Caltech researchers have found evidence of a giant planet tracing a strange orbit extremely elongated in the outer solar system. The object, nicknamed Planet Nine, has a mass about 10 times larger than the Earth and orbits about 20 times more average of the sun than Neptune.

An artist's impression of what a black hole might look like. In February, Chinese researchers said they spotted an oversized black hole 12 billion times the size of the sun.

Are there oceans on Jupiter's moons? The Juice probe presented in the artist's photo seeks to find out. Image reproduced with the kind permission of ESA / AOES

Astronomers have found powerful auroras on a brown dwarf 20-light-years away. It is an artist concept of the phenomenon.

Venus, Low and Jupiter brilliantly shine above Matthews, NC on Monday, June 29th. The apparent close encounter, called conjunction, gave a dazzling spectacle in the summer sky. Although the two planets seem to be close to each other, they are actually separated by several million kilometers.

According to NASA, Europa, the frozen moon of Jupiter, could be the best place in the solar system to search for extraterrestrial life. The moon is about the size of the moon and there is evidence that there is an ocean under its frozen crust that can hold twice as much water as the Earth. NASA's 2016 budget includes a request for $ 30 million for planning a fact-finding mission on Europa. The above image was taken by Galileo Probe on November 25, 1999. It is a mosaic of 12 images that is considered the best image of the Europe side that faces Jupiter.

This nebula, or cloud of gas and dust, is called RCW 34 or Gum 19. The brightest areas you can see are where the gas is heated by young stars. Finally, the gas explodes like champagne after uncorking a bottle. Scientists call this the flow of champagne. This new image of the nebula was captured by the very large telescope of the European Space Organization in Chile. RCW 34 is in the Vela constellation in the southern sky. The name means "sailing sails" in Latin.

The Hubble Space Telescope captured images of the three great moons of Jupiter – Io, Callisto and Europa – passing at once.

Using powerful optics, astronomers have found a planet-like body, J1407b, with rings 200 times larger than those of Saturn. Here is an artistic representation of the rings of the planet J1407b, eclipsing a star.

A star party seems to be missing at this image of the La Silla Observatory in Chile. But the stars are actually still there behind a cloud of gas and dust called Lynds Dark Nebula 483. The cloud is about 700 light-years from Earth in the constellation Serpens.

It is the largest Hubble Space Telescope imagery ever assembled. It is a part of the neighboring galaxy, Andromeda (M31).

NASA has captured a breathtaking new image of the so-called "pillars of creation," one of the most iconic discoveries of the space agency. The giant columns of cold gas, in a small region of the Eagle Nebula, were popularized by a similar image taken by the Hubble Space Telescope in 1995.

Astronomers using Hubble space have assembled this image which shows a small part of the space of the constellation of the southern hemisphere, Fornax. In this distant space image are 10,000 galaxies, going back in time up to a few hundred million years after the Big Bang.

The planetary Nebula Abell 33 appears annular in this image, taken with the help of the very large telescope of the European Southern Observatory. The blue bubble was created when an aging star lost its outer layers and a star in the foreground was aligned to create a "diamond engagement ring" effect.

This Hubble image looks like a floating marble or a disembodied giant eye. But it's actually a nebula with a giant star at its center. Scientists think that the star was 20 times more massive than our sun, but it is dying and is destined to become a supernova.

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