This week's complete hunter moon comes with a meteor shower


This week, we see the entire moon of the October Hunter rising in the sky at dusk.

The moon will be officially full on Wednesday, but it will appear from Tuesday of this week to Thursday night, according to NASA.

The October moon calls the hunter's moon because it comes at a time when leaves fall from trees. Farmers have cleared their fields, making it easier for hunters to target their game.

"The first use of the term" Hunter's Moon "quoted in the Oxford English Dictionary dates from 1710," according to a NASA lunar blog written by Gordon Johnston. "Some sources suggest that other names for the Hunter's Moon are the Sanguine or the Blood Moon, associated with the blood of the hunt or the flipping of the leaves in the fall."

Native American tribes identified the full moon of October under other names. In the northeast, the Algonquins called it the beaver moon. This name probably comes from the timing – the middle of autumn is a good time to install beaver traps before the wetlands freeze. Or it could have been because beavers are known to be very busy at this time of the year, getting ready for the winter.

Anyway, this month's moon comes with another benefit. The Orionid meteor shower is coming to an end in the next two weeks and should still be visible in parts of the sky that have not been swept by moonlight.

The Orionids have been described as the most beautiful meteor shower of the year – brilliant debris from Halley's comet that can sometimes appear as fireballs as the Earth crosses their heavenly heritage.

They are moving at about 150,000 km / h in the atmosphere, with up to 20 meteors visible at the hour.

NASA is waiting for you to see them until November 7th.

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